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Teacher struck in school parking lot

A teacher is seriously injured at a Volkshochschul grounds in Schleswig-Holstein, Wedel.

At the adult education center in Wedel near Hamburg, a teacher is stabbed (pictures).
At the adult education center in Wedel near Hamburg, a teacher is stabbed (pictures).

Messerangriff" is a German word that translates to "Messer attack" or "Saber attack" in English. If the context allows, it could also mean "Messer assault" or "Saber assault - Teacher struck in school parking lot

At the site of a Volkshochschule in Wedel near Hamburg, a teacher has been stabbed. A spokesperson for the German Press Agency quoted by the police stated that the school's instructor was seriously injured. The police believe that the victim and the perpetrator knew each other. Two or possibly three suspects are on the run, they are being hunted, it was stated. The injured man is reportedly around 50 years old. He was taken to the hospital. Initially, the "Bild" newspaper reported this.

According to the reports, the incident occurred around 2:00 PM on the Volkshochschule's parking lot. The police spoke of a relationship crime. This term is used when the perpetrator and victim knew each other. The spokesperson would not exclude or confirm that the suspects were students.

The background of the crime is unclear, he stated. The police are working with strong forces. A helicopter of the Hamburg Police was also requested for support in the search. After the crime, police officers also secured the school building and searched for the suspects - without success, it was stated.

The stabbing incident happened in the vicinity of Hamburg, specifically at a Volkshochschule in Wedel. The German Press Agency reported that the victim, a teacher, was involved in a messerangriff, or a knife attack. Despite the manhunt, two or three suspected individuals associated with the criminality remain at large in Schleswig-Holstein. The incident was covered extensively in the German media, including the "Bild" newspaper, which initially reported the incident.

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