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Taxpayers' association: Aid for Meyer Werft "reasonable"

Meyer Werft's financing gap amounts to 2.7 billion euros. The federal government and the state of Lower Saxony could now step into the breach. However, the taxpayers' association clearly rejects this step.

The federal government and the state of Lower Saxony are looking into rescuing the financially...
The federal government and the state of Lower Saxony are looking into rescuing the financially troubled Meyer Werft shipyard. (archive picture)

Shipbuilding - Taxpayers' association: Aid for Meyer Werft "reasonable"

The Taxpayers' Association considers certain state aid for the financially crisis-ridden Meyer Werft to be acceptable. "So far, it's about liquidity support: The financial gap until the delivery of the cruise ships should be bridged. I consider that reasonable," said Jan Vermoelen, a board member of the Lower Saxony/Bremen branch of the "Nordwest-Zeitung" Nordwest-Germany Taxpayers' Association. Taking on a guarantee would also only affect the state budget in the event of a claim. However, medium-term solutions with contractors or banks must be found.

The Taxpayers' Association, however, rejects an increase in the state as a shareholder in the yard. "The state is not a better entrepreneur. The temptation would be great to sacrifice a long-term future concept in favor of the short-term preservation of jobs," said Vermoelen.

Thousands of jobs depend on the yard

Lower Saxony's Minister-President Stephan Weil (SPD) recently stated that the yard is in an existential crisis. The land wants to help secure the company and the jobs. "If we have good reasons why the company has a perspective, we will strongly advocate for making this future possible," said the politician a few days ago to the German Press Agency. However, the Federation must also participate in the rescue.

The Meyer Werft must close a financing gap of 2.7 billion Euro due to the after-effects of the Corona pandemic and price increases following Russia's attack on Ukraine. According to statements by Regionschef Weil, jobs beyond the core workforce and beyond Niedersachsen are also at risk.

  1. The "Nordwest-Zeitung" Nordwest-Germany Taxpayers' Association, headed by Jan Vermoelen in the Lower Saxony/Bremen branch, supports temporary liquidity aid for Meyer Werft GmbH, located in Lower Saxony.
  2. Despite needing aid, Meyer Werft's financial difficulties prompted Stephan Weil, the Minister-President of Lower Saxony, to declare the shipyard as being in an existential crisis.
  3. Stephan Weil emphasized that if there are valid reasons suggesting a promising future for Meyer Werft, he will strongly advocate for safeguarding that future and the associated jobs.
  4. Bankruptcy could be a potential consequence for Meyer Werft, as they must bridge a significant funding gap of 2.7 billion Euro due to Corona pandemic aftermath and Russia's invasion of Ukraine, posing a risk to jobs beyond its core workforce and beyond Lower Saxony.

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