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Tattoo artist allegedly sexually assaulted women

The operator of a tattoo parlor in Dresden with a criminal record has been arrested. Many women have made serious allegations against him.

Tattoo artist at work
Tattoo artist at work

Criminal case - Tattoo artist allegedly sexually assaulted women

The operator of a Tattoo Studio in Dresden is accused of having sexually assaulted several female clients during the treatments. The Dresden Prosecutor's Office has filed charges against the 53-year-old German man for rape in two cases and especially serious sexual assault in 18 cases. The man has a significant and previous criminal record and was on probation at the time of the alleged offenses.

He was arrested after he was reportedly sexually assaultive during a tattoo session with a 20-year-old woman. The young woman was surprised and, holding a tattoo needle, did not resist, according to a spokesperson for the Prosecutor's Office. The man has been in investigative detention since then.

During the investigation by the police and the Prosecutor's Office, other clients of the Studio came forward with similar experiences. The accused made no statements regarding the accusations. The Dresden Regional Court is now deciding on the admissibility of the indictment.


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The woman who reported the incident is from Saxony, supporting the growing number of complaints against the tattoo artist in Dresden. The criminal case against the man is gaining attention in the public prosecutor's office in Dresden, Germany. Several other women, also from Saxony, have come forward with similar experiences of sexual assault during their tattoo sessions. The local public prosecutor's office is taking these reports seriously, aiming to bring justice for the victims and ensure the protection of all women in Dresden.

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