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Taking over the EU Council Presidency: What Hungary is planning now

Hungary has taken over the presidency of the Council of the European Union. Why this is controversial - and what the right-wing nationalist government is planning.

The government of right-wing populist Viktor Orban takes over the EU Council Presidency for six...
The government of right-wing populist Viktor Orban takes over the EU Council Presidency for six months

European Union - Taking over the EU Council Presidency: What Hungary is planning now

## Table of Contents

  • What is it about?
  • How did it come about?
  • What are Orban's Government's Plans?
  • How much power does Hungary get?
  • Why is Hungary's EU Presidency controversial?
  • How do EU MEPs view it?
  • What does Orban have next?

What is it about?

Hungary took over the EU Presidency on Monday, making it the EU's presiding country until the end of December. Government representatives from Hungary will take charge of numerous Ministerial meetings and mediate in cases of disagreement among EU states. Moreover, Hungary represents the European Council towards other EU institutions, such as the European Parliament.

How did it come about?

The EU Presidency rotates every six months among the 27 member states. Previously, it was Belgium's turn.

What are Orban's Government's Plans?

The right-wing Hungarian government has placed its EU Presidency under the slogan "Make Europe Great Again." They aim to "make Europe great again" – a modified campaign slogan of the controversial American ex-President Donald Trump. Hungary intends to use its Presidency to boost the EU's economic competitiveness. Prime Minister Orban has also announced that he will make migration a priority during the EU Presidency.

How much power does Hungary get?

The power of the Presidency is limited: Legislative proposals originate from the EU Commission. The final wording of the legal texts is then negotiated between the EU states and the Parliament. Furthermore, neither the Commission nor the Parliament is fully operational three weeks after the European elections. Many important positions still need to be filled. As a result, few new legislative initiatives are expected during this phase.

Why is Hungary's EU Presidency controversial?

Orban is known for his EU-critical stance. Moreover, Hungary has faced criticism for eroding democracy in its own country for years. Hungary and Brussels clash on several issues, including migration policy and the relationship with Russia and support for Ukraine. Concerns have been raised that Orban could use the six-month tenure to delay the EU accession process for Ukraine, among other things.

How do EU MEPs view it?

A year ago, several MEPs criticized Hungary's impending assumption of the EU Presidency. The MEPs from the conservative European People's Party (EVP), the social democratic Socialists & Democrats (S&D), the liberal Renew Europe, the Greens, and the Left all questioned whether Hungary could "faithfully fulfill this task in 2024," given that the country does not uphold EU law and values. Hungary, in turn, denounced this as an "anti-Hungarian initiative."

What does Orban have next?

Viktor Orban also intends to expand his influence in the EU Parliament. A day before taking over the EU Presidency, he announced the formation of a new right-wing faction in the Parliament. The "Patriots for Europe" alliance includes the Hungarian ruling party Fidesz, the right-wing Austrian FPO, and the liberal-populist Czech ANO. The coalition is open to other parties that endorse the "Patriotic Manifesto" signed by the leaders of the three parties in Vienna on Sunday.

  1. Despite the controversy surrounding his EU-critical stance and allegations of eroding democracy within Hungary, Viktor Orban's government began their six-month tenure as the EU Presidency on Monday, taking over from Belgium.
  2. During his EU Presidency, Orban has announced that he would prioritize migration and use it as an opportunity to "make Europe great again," a modified campaign slogan of the controversial former American President Donald Trump.
  3. As the EU Presidency rotates every six months among its 27 member states, Hungary now has the responsibility to mediate disagreements among EU states, oversee various Ministerial meetings, and represent the European Council towards other EU institutions such as the European Parliament.
  4. Despite the media attention and criticism, Hungary's EU Presidency comes with limited power, with legislative proposals originating from the EU Commission and the EU states and Parliament negotiating the final wording of the legal texts.
  5. In view of Hungary's controversial EU Presidency and its stance on issues such as migration and its relationship with Russia and Ukraine, EU MEPs from various political parties have expressed concerns about whether Hungary can "faithfully fulfill this task in 2024."

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