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Taekwondo-loving family springs into action upon hearing distressing shrieks of a woman.

Upon hearing intense commotion emanating from a store adjacent to their Taekwondo studio in Houston, Texas on a Wednesday, Simon An and his kin felt compelled to uncover the source.

When a Houston-area family heard screams next door to their martial arts studio, they rushed to...
When a Houston-area family heard screams next door to their martial arts studio, they rushed to help.

Taekwondo-loving family springs into action upon hearing distressing shrieks of a woman.

Next-door neighbors, aged 20, along with their martial arts-practicing family, swiftly moved over. There, they noticed a man trying to sexually assault a woman and intervened, keeping the suspect pinned down until law enforcement arrived, as stated in a post on Reddit from Harris County Sheriff Ed Gonzalez.

The young man shared with CNN on Friday that the family was wrapping up their lunch break and were parked at the Yong-In studio in Katy when his father heard a "loud scream" as he stepped out of his car. Then the entire family heard "a second scream, and it was incredibly loud." "I'd liken it to a scream of terror."

The family's father guided them into a nearby Cricket Wireless store. On opening the door, another scream echoed, leading them towards the back where they found "a man on top of the woman with his hand over her mouth," according to the young man.

CNN reached out to Cricket Wireless for comment.

"Our first reaction was to save the woman," the young man stated. "We didn't know what he had planned for her."

"My dad simply pulled him off and cornered him in the store," the young man described.

The father sustained scratches and bites during the altercation but is recovering well, the young man said.

Nineteen-year-old Alex Robinson was charged with attempted sexual assault regarding this incident, according to court documents obtained by CNN affiliate KHOU. Robinson is accused of moving the victim to a different location, "inflicting injury by choking," "touching her breast," and demanding the victim to undress.

Robinson's bail was set at $100,000. CNN has reached out to his attorney for comment.

In an interview with KHOU, the young man's 22-year-old sister, Hannah An, shared that she and their mother took the alleged victim to their training center to make sure "she's fine, because she needed it after that ordeal."

The pair's father, Han An, told KHOU he was glad to be in the right place at the right time and looks forward to resuming classes.

"Martial arts is my life," he said. "I'm extremely proud of my family."

The Harris County Sheriff commended the An family as "good samaritans" and thanked them for their "prompt action in protecting others."

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