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Swiss residents vote for increasing the use of renewable energy sources.

Live Ticker of the Election Day

Ursula von der Leyen casts her ballot in a ballot box next to her husband Heiko.
Ursula von der Leyen casts her ballot in a ballot box next to her husband Heiko.

Swiss residents vote for increasing the use of renewable energy sources.

Switzerland has made a decision: According to calculations, 69% of citizens have voted in favor of simplifying the expansion of renewable energy. This would allow 16 hydroelectric power plants to be built or expanded. Large solar and wind power plants can also be implemented more easily, as hoped by the government. This should lead to increased domestic electricity production. In the canton of Geneva, residents also voted on hate symbols like the swastika. Based on preliminary results, around 85% voted for a constitutional amendment to ban such symbols in the public sphere. Geneva is the first canton in Switzerland to engrave a ban on the display or wearing of symbols and insignia like the swastika in the public sphere in its constitution.

It's almost time for the European election! Over 350 million people from 27 countries will determine the power and majority relationships in the European Parliament between June 6th and 9th. Who votes when and how many MEPs? And what do the polls say? Here are the key figures, maps, and infographics in a nutshell.

She is the oldest voter in Cyprus: Argyri Achilleos, born in 1921, in Tala. Despite her advanced age, she walked to the polling station with a cane, supported by her granddaughter, to vote on the composition of the EU Parliament.

The economist warns of a loss of prosperity and security. Monika Schnitzer, the head of the so-called "Economists", warns of the success of pro-European parties in the European election. Prosperity and security are at risk, she says in an interview with the Funke media group newspapers. "A result that would strengthen the EU in question and rely on playing countries against each other would 'exactly endanger the prosperity and security we have achieved through decades of cooperation," she stresses. The current crises show how important it is to have reliable partners in Europe, Schnitzer emphasizes. "Together, we achieve much more for our prosperity and security than each country could achieve on its own."

In Berlin, they can hear this with joy: so far, there have been no major problems in Germany - and therefore also in the capital - during the European election. The start was smooth, says Federal Election Commissioner Ruth Brand at a meeting in a Berlin polling station. "So far, we have not received any reports from the state election commissions that there are relevant disruptions. So from our point of view, it is going well and smoothly," she says. The polling stations will remain open until 6:00 pm.

How much will Europe shift to the right in the election? ntv-reporter Holger Schmidt-Denker assesses the starting situation of this election, which is often seen as a "test of memory" in Germany, and looks at how the chances of EU Commission President von der Leyen stand for a second term.

What if you can't find your voter notification? Federal Election Commissioner Ruth Brand is calling for people to vote today. She justifies this in a recent statement with the "special significance of the election for the influence of voters on future political decisions in the European Union." At the same time, Brand reminds us that citizens who can no longer find their voter notification can vote with their ID card or passport. The prerequisite is that they are registered in the voter list of their electoral district.

Severe weather floods polling stations in Austria: In Austria, some polling stations for the EU election have been inaccessible or destroyed due to severe weather. This applies, for example, to polling stations in Styria - namely in Deutschfeistritz north of Graz and several in the district of Hartberg-Fürstenfeld. Officials report. However, the responsible mayors reacted very quickly and relocated the polling stations. In the communities, information signs have been hung up where the new polling stations are located, and the mayors have also widely announced the changes via social media. It is expected that there will be no interruption in the election. On Saturday there were particularly heavy rainfall in Styria, with homes and cars being damaged by flooding.

A political scientist on the importance and difficulty of the EU and the ballot box: For the tenth time, a EU parliament is being directly elected, but many eligible voters seem to underestimate the importance of the vote. Why the EU and the ballot box often seem difficult to convey and what role the "protest element" could play is explained by the political scientist Thorsten Faas.

There are many cameras and no statement in Burgdorf-Beinhorn: EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen voted in the European election in her home in Lower Saxony. Together with her husband Heiko, she went to the small polling station in Burgdorf-Beinhorn in the Hannover region. However, she did not make a statement and did not answer any questions. After voting, she smiled briefly at the cameras and left the polling station after a few minutes. The 65-year-old is aiming for a second term as President of the EU Commission.

In Italy, voting stations won't close until midnight. Beginning at 20:15, the EU will provide the initial estimates for the European Parliament based on post-election reviews and unofficial outcomes. For Germany, the first estimates are expected as early as 18:00. Polls indicate a shift towards the right in the European Parliament. According to a Politico survey, the conservative European People's Party (EPP), which the CDU and CSU belong to, might still have the most representatives. The Social Democrats (S&D) could have 143 representatives and the Liberals 75. The right-leaning faction European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) led by Italy's Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni could have 76 seats, and the smaller Identity and Democracy (ID) led by French right-wing populist Marine Le Pen could have 67 representatives.

10:35 Millions utilize the election-O-Mat in GermanyThe Federal Center for Political Education has reported an unprecedented usage of its election-O-Mat service for the European election. This has already been utilized more than ten million times by citizens, and the Federal Center revealed this on Wednesday. The previous usage record at the previous EU election was surpassed four days before the vote. In 2019, the election-O-Mat was used nine million times.

10:06 "Do you still recall what you desired for Europe when you were sixteen?" - Notable Individuals Appeal to VotersProminent people are advocating voting through an unconventional campaign: They use artificial intelligence to make themselves appear younger and address young first-time voters in short films. "On June 9th it's the European election - it's about the future of our continent! For the first time, everyone aged 16 and over can vote! Use your vote and go out and vote on Sunday. Every vote matters," Veronica Ferres writes on Instagram, for example.

A comedian also urges for voting: "Hello, this is the 16-year-old Carolin Kebekus," she says, then inquires: "Do you still remember what you wanted for Europe when you were sixteen? Studying and working abroad, opening doors and getting new perspectives. I couldn't vote at the age of sixteen. But now you can. So go out and vote for the Europe you dreamed of, or close to it, as if you are sixteen." For the first time in Germany, 16- and 17-year-olds are allowed to participate in the election to the European Parliament, roughly 1.4 million people.

09:35 Political analyst: "The traffic light will receive compensation here in full"The European election typically experiences low voter turnout. Republican politician expert Albrecht von Lucke feels this will not be the case this time. There are several factors that make this election particularly significant. So there will be a swing to the right and a wake-up call for the Berlin traffic light, but there is also an "but".

09:11 A native German could become mayor of FlorenceThe native German candidate for the post-fascist party Fratelli d'Italia, Eike Schmidt, could become the mayor of Florence in the Italian local elections happening today. The 56-year-old, who was the director of the renowned Uffizi until last year, was supported not only by Minister President Giorgia Meloni's ruling party but also by her coalition partners. Florence is currently a stronghold of the Italian left, but Schmidt may benefit from the disagreements among the left-wing parties. In the latest polls, his competitor Sara Funaro from the Democratic Party leads.

08:40 Municipal elections as a barometer

Paralleling the European elections, municipal elections are also taking place in eight federal states. In Baden-Württemberg, Brandenburg, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Rhineland-Palatinate, Saarland, Saxony, and Saxony-Anhalt, citizens are being urged to elect district councils, municipal councils, and mayors. Additionally, in Thuringia, the second rounds of the local elections held on May 26 are being conducted. The AfD's performance on a local level is being closely monitored. In Brandenburg, Saxony, and Thuringia, the local elections are also an important gauge of the public's sentiment heading into the state elections in September. Initial results of the local elections are not expected to be made available until Monday. The European elections are being prioritized.

08:00 European elections commence in Germany

It's the only direct election across borders: Europe is selecting a new parliament, with voting stations open in Germany since 8 am. Until 6 pm, roughly 65 million people in Germany - including 16-year-olds for the first time - can vote on the composition of the European Parliament. In Germany, about 1,400 candidates are running for 35 parties and various other political groups.

In addition to Germany, voting is also happening in 20 other EU countries today. In other countries such as the Netherlands, Ireland, and Slovakia, the votes have already been cast. In total, 360 million people are eligible to vote in the EU. 720 seats in the European Parliament are up for grabs, 96 of which will come from Germany.

We'll keep you updated with the latest news and information throughout the day!

Ursula von der Leyen casts her ballot in a ballot box next to her husband Heiko.

Read also:

In addition to the European elections, local elections are also taking place in several German states today. Despite earlier concerns about potential disruptions, voting in Berlin has gone smoothly and there have been no major issues reported.

Following the European elections, the results could have significant implications for Germany and the EU as a whole. Though projections indicate a shift towards the right, the current crises underscore the importance of having reliable partners in Europe for prosperity and security.



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