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Swedish Trade Union Proposes Legal Action Against Tesla Over Information Denial

Denial of Disclosure of Details

Tesla opposes a collective agreement.
Tesla opposes a collective agreement.

In Sweden, the union IF Metall is prepared to take Tesla to court over financial matters at the Labor Court. The firm is withholding financial details, as stated by Thomas With, Vice-Chairman of the union. The lawsuit will be filed within the upcoming week.

According to IF Metall, as a legal requirement in Sweden, Tesla must keep their workforce updated on the financial status. Tesla's management in the US has been pushing for cost-cutting measures for months now, leading to speculations about potential job losses in Sweden, as mentioned by With. While most Tesla workshops have complied with data requests, the one in Uppsala has not, prompting the union's legal action.

IF Metall has been at odds with Tesla for months due to the company's refusal to sign a collective bargaining agreement. Employees have been on strike since the end of October, with workers from other industries joining in support.

In Sweden, approximately 90% of all employees have a collective bargaining agreement. Tesla's CEO, Elon Musk, has consistently rejected calls for the unionization of the company's global workforce of 127,000 employees.

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Tesla's Swedish workplace in Uppsala is the focus of a dispute, as the local trade union, IF Metall, is initiating a legal case against Tesla due to the denial of financial information. Despite Sweden's requirement for companies to share financial details with their workforce, Tesla has withheld such information, leading to concerns about potential job losses.

Despite the ongoing legal action and months of disagreements over a collective bargaining agreement, Tesla's global workforce, including the Swedish branch, remains ununionized, with CEO Elon Musk consistently opposing unionization.

