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Suspect remains silent after fatal attack in Kurpark

The fatal attack on a 20-year-old in Bad Oeynhausen is shocking. The suspect is in custody and remains silent. Among other things, cell phones are now being analyzed.

After the fatal Kurparl attack, the suspect remains silent and the police are investigating. Among...
After the fatal Kurparl attack, the suspect remains silent and the police are investigating. Among other things, cell phones belonging to companions of the alleged perpetrator and the victim are being examined, says a public prosecutor.

Attack in Bad Oeynhausen - Suspect remains silent after fatal attack in Kurpark

After the fatal attack on a 20-year-old in the Kurpark of Bad Oeynhausen in Ostwestfalen-Lippe, the 18-year-old suspect in detention continues to remain silent. His lawyer is taking statement review, it remains to be seen if there will be statements from the accused, said a spokesperson for the Bielefeld Public Prosecutor's Office. The investigation is ongoing. In particular, the phones of the alleged perpetrator's companions are being evaluated. However, according to the public prosecutor, there is no video of the crime as of yet.

The accused Syrian is said to have attacked the 20-year-old for unknown reasons, struck him on the head, and trampled on him in the night before the previous Sunday (23.6.). The man died a few days later in the hospital. According to the investigators, the accused had previously come to the attention of the authorities due to violent, property damage, and drug offenses, but had not been convicted before.

The 18-year-old is being investigated for manslaughter and grievous bodily harm. He is said to have known the victim prior to the incident according to the latest knowledge of the prosecutor's office. The trigger and motive for the crime are still being investigated, said the spokesperson for the prosecutor's office.

The incident caused nationwide outrage and also intensified the political debate on refugee influx and the deportation of criminals.

The suspect is currently being held in custody in North Rhine-Westphalia, specifically in Germany. The public prosecutor's office in Bielefeld is reviewing the suspect's lawyer's statements. Despite the ongoing investigation in Spa Park, Bad Oeynhausen, East Westphalia-Lippe, no video evidence of the crime has been found as of yet. The companions of the accused are also under investigation, as their phones are being evaluated.

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