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Survey reveals that 40% of Germans support acknowledging Palestine.

Several countries, such as Norway, Ireland, Spain, and Slovenia, have recently acknowledged Palestine as a state. A poll suggests that many people believe Germany should also follow suit.

In recent weeks, Norway, Spain, Ireland and Slovenia have decided to recognize Palestine as a...
In recent weeks, Norway, Spain, Ireland and Slovenia have decided to recognize Palestine as a state.

Research Study Conducted - Survey reveals that 40% of Germans support acknowledging Palestine.

Half of the Germans (40%) want their country to acknowledge Palestine's status as an independent nation, a recent poll by the opinion research group YouGov revealed. When presented with the issue, 27% disagreed, while 33% chose not to answer.

Norway, Spain, Ireland, and Slovenia have recently made the move to recognize Palestine as a state, sparking outrage and protests from Israel. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) had previously mentioned that the government has no intent of conceding to this demand for now.

In relation to Israel's ongoing military operation in the southern Gaza Strip city of Rafah, 51% of those questioned favored the imposition of economic sanctions by the European Union. However, 26% expressed negative or outright opposition to this measure. The question stemmed from the Hague-based International Court of Justice's demand for Israel to immediately end the military operation, which had driven many Palestinians to seek refuge in the Egyptian border city of Rafah before the conflict commenced.

YouGov surveyed 2,295 potential voters in Germany for this representative poll, which was conducted between May 31 and June 5.

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