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Survey: AfD in Brandenburg leading - BSW joining ["]

On September 22nd, a new legislative assembly will be elected in Brandenburg. The AfD is still leading in the polls, but approval ratings are decreasing.

The election for the new Brandenburg state parliament is approaching. A new survey indicates a...
The election for the new Brandenburg state parliament is approaching. A new survey indicates a closer race than previously thought.

State election - Survey: AfD in Brandenburg leading - BSW joining ["]

Two and a half months before the Brandenburg state election, the AfD is leading in a new survey but is losing ground among voters. They currently come in first place in the Sunday vote with 23% compared to the SPD's 19%. According to the Brandenburg trend of the Institut Infratest dimap for rbb24 Brandenburg and Antenne Brandenburg, the AfD has lost nine percentage points since September when they stood at 32%.

The Alliance 90/The Greens has significantly gained ground, coming in at 16% in the survey - six percentage points more than in the Brandenburg trend of April.

The Left and The Free Voters/ Free Voters are both below the 5% threshold.

The CDU is tied with the SPD in the current survey with 19%. Since the Brandenburg trend in April, the SPD has lost three percentage points, while the CDU has gained one.

The Greens are currently at 7% (down one percentage point). The Left would fail to reach the 5% hurdle according to the survey with 4%. The same applies to The Free Voters (3%) and the FDP (3%).

In the question of which party can best solve the most important issues in Brandenburg, the AfD comes in third place. 25% of those surveyed named the SPD, 19% the CDU. For the BSW, 8% made this choice, and for the Greens, 2%.

A new Landtag will be elected on September 22. Currently, a coalition of SPD, CDU, and Alliance 90/The Greens is in power. For the Brandenburg trend, 1161 randomly selected Brandenburg voters were surveyed by RBB between April 4 and 8.

  1. The new survey shows that the AfD is leading in Potsdam, the capital city of Brandenburg, with 23% support, but has lost nine percentage points since September.
  2. The Alliance 90/The Greens has experienced a significant surge in popularity, gaining six percentage points since April and currently standing at 16% in the survey.
  3. In the upcoming Brandenburg state election on September 22, both The Left and The Free Voters/Free Voters fall below the 5% threshold, as indicated by the Infratest dimap survey.
  4. Interestingly, the SPD and CDU are tied in the current survey with 19% support each, but the SPD has lost three percentage points since the Brandenburg trend in April, while the CDU has gained one.
  5. Borussia Dortmund, a famous German football club, might not be receiving as much attention as the political landscape, given the intense focus on the Brandenburg state election and the survey results.
  6. The Greens, despite their efforts, only manage to secure 7% support in the survey, which is one percentage point lower than their April numbers.
  7. On the question of which party can best solve the most important issues in Brandenburg, the SPD receives the highest response with 25%, followed by the CDU at 19%, while the AfD ranks third with 8%.

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