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Supporters of ISIS were contemplating an armed assault on the Israeli embassy.

The individual under arrest had Israel's portrayal in Berlin as their focus.
The individual under arrest had Israel's portrayal in Berlin as their focus.

Supporters of ISIS were contemplating an armed assault on the Israeli embassy.

A supporter of the terrorist group IS reportedly plotted an assault on the Israeli embassy in Berlin. Their intention was to employ firearms against the diplomatic establishment, as per the German Federal Prosecutor's Office's claims. Luckily, authorities managed to thwart the plot in due time.

The supposed accomplice of IS had reportedly been planning a major attack since at least October 2024. A spokesperson for the Federal Prosecutor's Office disclosed that the suspect communicated with an IS member through a chat platform to strategize the operation.

The suspected individual is due to appear before the Federal Court of Justice's investigating judge later today, who will then decide on the necessity for extended detention.

German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser lauded the law enforcement agencies involved. She stated that the swift intervention of Germany's security forces had prevented any potential threats against the Israeli embassy in Berlin, reaffirming the importance they place on protecting Jewish and Israeli institutions.

The alleged perpetrator was arrested on Saturday evening in Bernau near Berlin. Subsequent searches of his apartment and another apartment in the Rhineland-Palatinate district of Rhein-Sieg, belonging to an unidentified individual, uncovered evidence of the attack plot. Several federal and state agencies, including the Federal Police, the Federal Criminal Police Office, and regional law enforcement, contributed to the operation.

Following the arrest, German Justice Minister Marco Buschmann issued a warning about a "serious" Islamist terror threat in Germany. Israeli institutions are often targeted by terrorists, according to the FDP politician. Buschmann emphasized the significance of protecting Israeli institutions in Germany, especially in light of the current surge in global anti-Semitism and growing Islamist terrorism support.

German authorities allegedly tracked down the suspect based on a tip from foreign intelligence agencies. The individual had reportedly intended to flee to a relative in Sankt Augustin after the assault and then depart from Germany. The relative, currently regarded as a witness, is not under investigation.

Israel's Ambassador Ron Prosor expressed gratitude to German security forces for safeguarding the embassy. He noted that Muslims perpetuating anti-Semitism is not limited to hate speech but drives global terrorism. Prosor expressed concern for the safety of embassy employees, who are frequently at the forefront of diplomacy.

The State of Israel obtained ownership of the Auguste-Viktoria-Straße property, comprising a villa, in 1998. The embassy and the ambassador's residence were officially opened on May 9, 2001, marking Israel's 53rd Independence Day. Since the October 2023 terror attack by Islamist extremists, Germany has witnessed a significant surge in anti-Semitic incidents.

The Federal Court of Justice's investigating judge will soon determine whether an extension of the suspected individual's detention is necessary, as they are under investigation by The Commission for their alleged involvement in the plot.

In light of the thwarted attack, German Justice Minister Marco Buschmann reiterated the importance of The Commission's role in safeguarding Israeli institutions and combating Islamist terror threats in Germany.

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