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Supermarket roof collapsed <unk> 12 people slightly injured

In Ratzeburg, a supermarket roof partially collapsed. Several people are injured. A drone is being used to search for more victims under the rubble.

Destroyed supermarket roof: Due to the rest of the building being extremely dangerous to collapse,...
Destroyed supermarket roof: Due to the rest of the building being extremely dangerous to collapse, the rescue forces cannot enter.

- Supermarket roof collapsed <unk> 12 people slightly injured

In the collapse of a supermarket roof in the Schleswig-Holstein town of Ratzeburg, at least twelve people were injured. It is still unclear whether there are more people in the building, said a police spokeswoman. She rated the probability as low. Currently, however, a drone is being used to search for heat signatures under the rubble. Initially, the "Lübecker Nachrichten" reported.

The reason for the roof collapse in the county seat of the Herzogtum Lauenburg district is still completely unclear, she said. The emergency call was received at 17:10. Due to the building's severe instability, rescue forces could not enter.

The twelve injured are all reported to be lightly injured. Some were taken to the hospital, while others were treated at the scene, the spokeswoman said.

The police spokeswoman had initially stated that it was unclear if there were more people in the building. Later, they decided to use a drone to search for any heat signatures beneath the rubble, as rescue efforts were hampered due to the building's instability.

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