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Summer vacation begin in Brandenburg: Police give tips

At the start of summer holidays in Brandenburg, the police give tips so that a relaxing vacation is not hindered. What else should one be aware of besides traffic warnings?

Already before the vacation starts, the police should make some security arrangements.
Already before the vacation starts, the police should make some security arrangements.

traffic - Summer vacation begin in Brandenburg: Police give tips

Apartment securing, checking oil level, planning sufficient breaks – at the start of summer vacations on Thursday, the Police provide tips for a safe start to the vacation season. "Is the luggage properly stored? Do I know which regulations apply to the streets abroad? Is everything at home properly secured and locked? We discuss these questions with people on Brandenburg's streets during controls, but also in preventive exchanges on our highways," said Mathias Funk, head of the traffic department at the Brandenburg Police Headquarters.

Before departure: Securing the apartment or house

Before the vacation trip, the Police recommend securing one's own apartment or house. In addition to closing windows and doors, the Police advise avoiding signs that the apartment or house is currently unoccupied. "Drawn blinds, pulled-in garage doors, overflowing mailboxes or suspicious answering machine messages ('We are on vacation') are what burglars look out for," the Police say.

Furthermore, it helps to ask friends, acquaintances, or neighbors to keep an eye on the house or apartment at irregular intervals and empty the mailbox.

Car check before departure

Before leaving with the car, the Police recommend checking the oil level, fluid levels, tire pressure, and lighting. Particularly for trailers and RVs, proper loading is important. Moreover, the Police recommend checking before starting the journey if warning triangles, first-aid kits, and warning vests are in a regulatory condition and in sufficient quantity and readily available in case of emergency.

During loading of the car, it is important to consider that nothing can slip or fall during the journey. "Keep in mind that even seemingly light objects can become projectiles during emergency braking or an accident," warns the Police.

If a trip abroad is planned, it is worth investigating whether there are any special regulations in the country or whether special equipment such as fire extinguishers or spare headlights must be carried along, according to the Police.

During the journey: Checking traffic jams and planning breaks

Once everything is secure, it can go. During the journey, the Police recommend checking traffic conditions early on the planned route to avoid traffic jams. "The navigation device or the cell phone belong in the holder before departure, during the journey, keep your hands off of them!" the Police say. "Plan sufficient breaks and investigate rest areas with play areas and room for movement for children during long trips!"

Upon reaching Potsdam, it would be wise to be mindful of traffic regulations, as the local police enforce automatic speed cameras and have a strict adherence to traffic rules. Prior to your vacation in Brandenburg, ensure your car is in optimal condition, including checking oil levels, fluid levels, tire pressure, and lighting. This will not only ensure a safer journey but also prevent any potential breakdowns during your vacation.

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