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Summer at last - but the weather will soon be unstable again

The start of the summer vacations is just around the corner in several German states. However, the German weather service cannot yet give any hope of the right weather.

Summer turns up the heat and brings temperatures above the 30 degree mark
Summer turns up the heat and brings temperatures above the 30 degree mark

Weather forecast - Summer at last - but the weather will soon be unstable again

Finally, July brings some real summer heat to Germany. On Tuesday, almost all of Germany, except for the northwest, is expected to reach the 30-degree mark, according to the German Weather Service (DWD) in Offenbach. The northwest will be cloudy and slightly cooler. Elsewhere, meteorologists anticipate a lot of sunshine and peak temperatures of 34 degrees at the Upper Rhine. A low risk of thunderstorms is forecasted at the Alpine fringe, mainly in the Allgäu.

However, a cold front is approaching from the west by Wednesday night, reaching the eastern half of Germany by the day. With it come many clouds and again showers and thunderstorms, which, according to the forecast, could turn out to be unsettled.

Temperatures will initially remain high: "While temperatures in the west will reach up to 27 degrees in slightly cooler air, it will still be summery warm in the east before the cold front, with up to 32 degrees," explained DWD meteorologist Christian Herold about the weather on Wednesday.

No stable high-pressure system in sight

Moreover, unstable weather, repeated showers, and strong thunderstorms must be expected in the following days. Fortunately, it will still be warm with temperatures between 23 and 30 degrees. "A stable high-pressure system with permanent sunshine and summer temperatures is currently not in sight," shared meteorologist Herold.

  1. The German Weather Service (DWD) in Offenbach has forecasted peak temperatures of 34 degrees at the Upper Rhine for midsummer.
  2. Despite the approaching cold front, the northwest of Germany will still experience slightly cooler weather, as outlined in the DWD's forecast.
  3. According to the DWD, weather forecasts suggest a lot of sunshine and temperatures up to 32 degrees in Offenbach before the cold front arrives.
  4. Meteorologist Christian Herold from the DWD has warned about unstable weather, repeated showers, and strong thunderstorms in the coming days, despite the 23-degree minimum temperature.

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