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Suitcase with human remains found

Big deployment in Bristol

The area around the famous Clifton Suspension Bridge in Bristol has been cordoned off for...
The area around the famous Clifton Suspension Bridge in Bristol has been cordoned off for investigations.

Suitcase with human remains found

Midnight, civil servants are called to an incident at Bristol's Suspension Bridge in the UK. Upon arrival, they are met with a gruesome discovery: In an abandoned suitcase, human remains are found. Any trace of the man who was seen with the luggage a short while ago has vanished.

Police in the English city of Bristol have discovered two suitcases with grisly contents. "Unfortunately, we believe the suitcases contain human remains," the investigators stated on X. With a large force, the officers are searching for the man who left the suitcase at the well-known landmark.

The police were called to Bristol's Suspension Bridge around midnight due to reports of a man acting suspiciously with a suitcase. According to the police report, the man had left the scene ten minutes before the officers arrived and had left the luggage behind. The second suitcase was then discovered nearby.

Unknown man takes taxi

The police are now searching for the man who, according to initial investigations, travelled to the Suspension Bridge in a taxi. "The vehicle has been seized, and the driver is assisting us with our investigation," the police announced. An autopsy is scheduled to take place later today, Thursday.

"This is a very disturbing incident, and I am aware of the concerns it will raise in our communities," said senior officer Vicks Hayward-Melen to the BBC. "Our immediate priority is to locate the man who left the suitcases at the bridge, identify the deceased, and inform their families." Specialist officers are on hand to assist.

The police are using helicopters in their search. The roads around the bridge and the surrounding footpaths remain closed, while the investigators examine the area.

The nature of the contents in the two discovered suitcases has raised international concerns in the realm of criminality, as it appears to involve cases of murder and manslaughter. Despite the investigations being led in England, the incident has garnered interest from international law enforcement agencies due to its seriousness and the unknown circumstances surrounding it.

The possible involvement of international criminality in the Bristol Suspension Bridge incident further complicates the case, as investigators are now looking into potential connections with organized crime networks beyond the borders of England.

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