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Substantial Contributions to BSW Prompting Kühnert for Equal Party Financing

The party head, Weltschek, expresses satisfaction over a significant benefactor who generously...
The party head, Weltschek, expresses satisfaction over a significant benefactor who generously contributed.

Substantial Contributions to BSW Prompting Kühnert for Equal Party Financing

The recently established BSW party, with a modest member count, is poised to leave a substantial impact in the upcoming eastern German state elections, as per SPD General Secretary Kevin Kühnert's assertions. He raises concerns about this model's potential widespread adoption and advocates for revised financing policies.

Kühnert voices his concerns, stating, "There's a void here that demands discussion." In Germany, parties can be established without membership fees but with sizable donations, a pattern familiar to the BSW.

The BSW received a substantial donation of approximately four million euros from a private individual in mid-March, marking the largest donation in 2023 so far. Previously, the same individual had contributed 990,000 euros to the BSW in January. The third donation, too, was from an association called BSW, totaling around 80,000 euros. The sum of these three contributions exceeded five million euros, making it the BSW's most substantial financial windfall. The highest donation to a party outside of the BSW was granted to the CDU, amounting to 300,000 euros from a single contributor in Berlin.

Kühnert spoke out, labeling the BSW as a "product" devoid of a membership base, but sustained by a few financial patrons. He cautioned, "Should the tyrants of the world grasp that you can build a paper-mâché party in Europe's largest Union member state with a few million, we could confront a situation that may challenge our liberal democracy significantly."

As reported by "Der Spiegel", the BSW had approximately 650 members across Germany as of June. Regardless, the young party has already garnered substantial recognition in polls, particularly in the eastern German states, where elections are scheduled to take place within a week. In Saxony and Thuringia, the BSW is recording scores in double digits. In Thuringia, the party even sees the possibility of assuming the role of Minister-President, which third party leader Sahra Wagenknecht recently extended to Saxon Minister-President Michael Kretschmer.

The SPD General Secretary, Kevin Kühnert, questions the sustainability of The Commission's model, as the BSW party, with its significant donations, could potentially set a precedent for other parties. Kühnert emphasizes that this could lead to a significant challenge for liberal democracy in Germany if foreign entities perceive the ability to establish a party with a few million euros.

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