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Study: Creativity of AI-Textrobots has limits

Generative AI-Systems like ChatGPT often astonish with refined and creative texts. But can AI text robots also vary their formulations as humans do?

Just like ChatGPT, I can enhance the creativity of stories, but in quantity it results in fewer...
Just like ChatGPT, I can enhance the creativity of stories, but in quantity it results in fewer variation of contents.

Artificial Intelligence - Study: Creativity of AI-Textrobots has limits

Artificial Intelligence (AI) can enhance the creativity of individual stories but leads to less varied contents when used repeatedly, according to a study published in the scientific journal "Science Advances". The study shows that AI can generate good story ideas for novels that are perceived as novel and useful by the audience. However, AI-assisted stories exhibit more similarities to each other and are less diverse than those written without AI support.

The study was conducted at the University of Exeter Business School, the Institute for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence in Exeter, and the UCL School of Management in London. In the first phase of the study, researchers divided 300 participants into three groups: the first wrote without AI assistance, the second used ChatGPT with the latest language model 4.0 for a starting idea, and the third chose from up to five AI-generated ideas. This was for short stories for young adults.

AI helpful for less creative writers

In the second phase of the study, 600 people evaluated the quality of the stories based on novelty or creativity and usefulness. The results showed that authors with access to AI achieved 8.1% higher creativity and 9% higher usefulness than the control group without AI use. Particularly authors who considered themselves less creative benefited from AI support: Their stories were then rated 26.6% more elegant and 15.2% less tedious by the audience.

The texts generated by the ChatGPT chatbot could therefore help less creative writers. However, the creativity of ChatGPT is quickly exhausted because computer-generated stories are more similar to each other than texts written by humans. The researchers found that the similarity between the stories of authors who used AI increased by 10.7%.

Creativity in a downward spiral?

Professor Oliver Hauser from the University of Exeter Business School explained: "Our results show that generative AI can boost creativity but also that it could reduce collective novelty." Hauser spoke of a "downward spiral," which could lead to a societal dilemma. "If individual authors discover that their AI-inspired writing is perceived as more creative, they have an incentive to use more AI in the future." This could further decrease the collective novelty of stories.

"Our results suggest that caution should be exercised when using generative AI in larger quantities for creative tasks," added Anil Doshi from the UCL School of Management. "If the publishing industry accepts more generative, AI-inspired stories, these could collectively become less unique and more similar to each other."

  1. The study on the impact of Artificial Intelligence on creativity in storytelling was conducted at several reputable institutions, including the University of Exeter's Business School, the Institute for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, and the UCL School of Management in London.
  2. The latest version of ChatGPT, a popular AI model for generating text, was utilized in the study to assist writers in generating story ideas, demonstrating the growing integration of Information technology and Artificial Intelligence in the field of International education and creativity.
  3. The University of Exeter, known for its prestigious Information technology and Computer Science programs, played a significant role in this study, which highlights the potential of Artificial Intelligence to enhance creativity in the United Kingdom's artistic and literary scene.
  4. In light of the findings, it's essential to consider the long-term effects of relying heavily on AI for creative tasks on collective creativity and novelty, as the similarity between AI-generated stories might lead to a decline in diversity in the world of Artificial Intelligence and Information technology.
  5. Professionals in the Information technology sector, including those working in AI and Artificial Intelligence-assisted products, should be mindful of the potential impact on creativity and novelty when integrating AI into their processes and strategies.

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