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Students' Services demand more support

Financial relaxation for students seems not in sight: Various student services have announced higher prices. The institutions give reasons.

In university students in Lower Saxony, some prices have risen.
In university students in Lower Saxony, some prices have risen.

Universities - Students' Services demand more support

Studentenwerks in Lower Saxony are demanding more money from the state. The promised additional money for the years 2024 to 2027 falls far short of what is needed to offset increased costs, as the Studentenwerk Goettingen pointed out. Prices would therefore have to increase, for example, in dormitories or canteens.

According to a new agreement with the Ministry of Science, the five Studentenwerks in Lower Saxony will receive annually 18.0 million Euros - that is, 700,000 Euros more per year than before. This provides planning security and is an valuable signal from the state government in times of uncertain economic development, said Jörg Magull, the business manager of the Studentenwerk Goettingen and spokesperson for the working group of the Lower Saxony Studentenwerke.

"Low costs attract smart minds"

However, it is not enough to cover increased costs, such as for personnel, energy, or food. The Studentenwerk Ostniedersachsen, which is responsible for Braunschweig, for example, expects to receive approximately 143,000 Euros in additional funding per year - while tariff-based personnel costs are increasing by around 968,000 Euros. For years, Lower Saxony has only been contributing less than ten percent of the revenues, said the business manager of the Studentenwerk Ostniedersachsen, Sönke Nimz.

For affordable housing and canteen food, psychological counseling, or childcare, more is needed. "Above all, of course, for the benefit of the students and in the interest of equal opportunities." In the end, low semester fees are also an argument for highly qualified minds. The Studentenwerk Hannover reported: "Many students have existential concerns".

The additional funding of 18.0 million Euros annually for the Studentenwerks in Lower Saxony, as agreed with the Ministry of Science, is allocated to five student services organizations, including the Studentenwerk Goettingen and the Studentenwerk Ostniedersachsen in Braunschweig. Despite this increase, the Studentenwerk Ostniedersachsen still faces a significant deficit, with tariff-based personnel costs rising by approximately 968,000 Euros annually. Some students at the Studentenwerk Hannover express existential concerns due to the currently low semester fees.

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