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Students Receive Additional Funds in August

Federal parliament endorses revision

A one-off grant of 1000 euros is to go to students under the age of 25 from households with...
A one-off grant of 1000 euros is to go to students under the age of 25 from households with Citizen's Income.

Students Receive Additional Funds in August

Following a heated debate in the traffic light government, students in Germany will receive more financial aid and additional benefits beginning with the winter semester. Low-income students under 25 years old, hailing from households receiving social assistance, will now receive a one-time government grant of 1,000 euros. This will help cover costs associated with purchasing necessary learning resources, such as laptops.

The recently passed BAföG amendment, which garnered votes from the coalition factions in Berlin, also entails an increase in regulation limits by 5% and enhanced housing cost allowances and parental allowances. The maximum monthly BAföG fund currently stands at 934 euros, and housing cost allowances will increase by 20 euros to 380 euros, while parental allowances will see a 0.25% increase to 5.25%. The new amendments are set to take effect on August 1st.

After much deliberation within the traffic light coalition, the addition of a study start-up aid for low-income students is a result of negotiations between the SPD and Greens, both factions of the coalition, who were displeased with the initial decision to only include the aid without increasing regulation limits.

To further streamline the process for students, the amendment also introduces a new system that allows for more flexibility in changing majors. Students will now be able to switch subjects up until the beginning of the fifth semester without offering a reason. Before, this change was possible up until the third semester only.

Furthermore, the government plans to implement "flexibility semesters" with this amendment law. These semesters would enable students to receive funding without providing detailed reasons for going beyond the funding limit. From the coming winter semester, the monthly repayment rates are set to increase by 20 euros—from 130 euros to 150 euros.

Read also:

The traffic light coalition, comprising the SPD and Greens, agreed to provide additional funds to students due to the BAfög amendment, which also includes an increase in regulation limits and enhanced housing and parental allowances. Starting August 1st, low-income students under 25 years old from social assistance households will receive a one-time grant of 1,000 euros to cover learning resource costs like laptops.



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