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Who wants to sit in the lecture hall should also take care of health insurance. Stiftung Warentest...
Who wants to sit in the lecture hall should also take care of health insurance. Stiftung Warentest provides tips for students.

Foundation Test - Students must know about health insurance

## Contents

  • How can students insure themselves?
  • How much does statutory health insurance cost for students?
  • What should students consider regarding health insurance when earning additional income?
  • What is important when choosing a private health insurance?
  • How much does private health insurance cost for students?

Students who are starting their studies this winter semester are likely waiting impatiently for the acceptance letter from their preferred university. However, organizing their first own apartment and moving are not the only tasks at hand. Health insurance should not be forgotten. Stiftung Warentest has taken a closer look at what needs to be considered.

How can students insure themselves?

Students can decide between a private or statutory health insurance before starting their studies. They must be insured in any case to be able to study. Most students are insured in the statutory health insurance.

How much does statutory health insurance cost for students?

Students are insured free of charge under their statutorily insured parents' health insurance up to the age of 25. In exceptional cases, this may also be longer. After that, the statutory health insurance for students costs approximately 129 Euro per month. It becomes significantly more expensive after the age of 30.

What should students consider regarding health insurance when earning additional income?

Family-insured students can earn up to 505 Euro per month while working independently or receiving interest. For a mini-job or a paid internship, the earnings limit is 538 Euro. If they earn more, they must switch to the student health insurance and pay their own contributions. For students in the student health insurance, there is no earnings limit. However, they may not work more than 20 hours per week during the lecture period, otherwise they will be expelled from the favorable student health insurance and must pay as much as employees.

What is important when choosing a private health insurance?

Anyone who wants to be privately health insured must apply for exemption from the compulsory insurance – and no later than three months after starting their studies, according to Warentest. This application can be submitted to any health insurance company. The choice should be well thought out, as it is binding for the entire study period. A switch to statutory health insurance is only possible when changing from a bachelor's to a master's degree. If there is at least a one-month break, Warentest advises. And students must first deregister in order to be members of the student health insurance again when starting their master's degree.

How much does private health insurance cost for students?

The contribution at private providers depends on age, health status, and desired services. Young students can find affordable tariffs from 80 Euro per month, according to Stiftung Warentest.

Considering the efforts to secure health coverage, students might want to explore the cost of private health insurance, as some affordable options start from 80 Euro per month according to Stiftung Warentest. Moreover, students who decide to work beyond the earnings limits set by the statutory health insurance should consider the cost of switching to a private health insurance, as this could lead to significant savings.

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