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Strong earthquake on Peru's coast

Tsunami warning

Strong earthquake on Peru's coast
Strong earthquake on Peru's coast

Strong earthquake on Peru's coast

A heavy earthquake shook Peru's coast during the early hours of Friday morning. The US-Geological Survey (USGS) reported a magnitude of 7.2, while Peru's Geophysical Institute (IGP) measured it at 7.0. A tsunami warning was issued for Peru's coast by the local maritime authority.

According to the Peruvian Earthquake Bureau, the earthquake occurred shortly after midnight (local time) at a depth of 42 kilometers in the Pacific Ocean, about 50 kilometers south-southwest of the coastal town of Yauca in South America. Several smaller aftershocks were reported in the affected region of Arequipa.

Initially, it was unknown if there were any damages or injuries. The earthquake alarmed residents and prompted them to evacuate their homes, according to IGP director Hernando Tavera in an interview with radio station RPP. Local media reported that the earthquake was also felt in the major cities of Ica and Lima.

Peru experiences earthquakes frequently. The entire western coast of the American continent lies along the so-called Pacific Ring of Fire, which is known for its high seismic activity.

The strong earthquake caused a tsunami warning along Peru's coast, potentially threatening communities near the affected area. Despite the early hour and challenging location, the earthquake was large enough to be felt in major cities like Ica and Lima.

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