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Stress-free vacations - what holidaymakers should look out for

Report cards are due on Friday. There are a few things you should bear in mind if you are going on vacation right at the start of the summer vacations.

Going on vacation at the start of the vacations: a few tips to make it easier. (archive picture)
Going on vacation at the start of the vacations: a few tips to make it easier. (archive picture)

End of school in Hesse - Stress-free vacations - what holidaymakers should look out for

At Friday, summer holidays begin in Hessen. Children receive their report cards and some families depart for vacation right away. Airports will be crowded, roads may have traffic jams. Where to go with a dog and a cat? And can we leave earlier to make the vacation cheaper? For many people, the beginning of summer holidays in Hessen means stress first and relaxation later. But those who plan well have fewer troubles.

On Time for the Airport

The Frankfurt Airport gears up for full operation: During the holiday season, Fraport expects around nine million people. Reachable from Frankfurt are 283 possible travel destinations in 90 countries. Already on the first weekend, around 200,000 passengers depart from FRA for their vacation.

Following complaints about long waiting times in previous summers, Fraport promises a "regulated operation" with "usual waiting times" during the holidays. "The recruitment and training measures of the last two years are effective," says the head of flight and terminal operations, Alexander Laukenmann.

To ensure a relaxing vacation, Fraport offers a few tips: Those who need to check in luggage should be at the terminal two and a half hours before departure. Only pack the essentials. It's best to check in online at home beforehand. For the car, a parking spot in the car park can also be reserved and a time window at the security check can be booked online.

Timing Car Trips

Many holidaymakers travel by car through or from Hessen. The German Automobile Club (ADAC) lists several congested routes. In Hessen, one should especially reckon with heavy traffic on long-distance routes and in the Rhine-Main-Area and Kassel metropolitan regions, according to the ADAC Hessen-Thuringia press spokesperson, Oliver Reidegeld. Other focal points: the A3 between Limberg and Bad Camberg, the Hattenbach interchange with the A5/A7, and the Kirchheim interchange A7/A4.

The ADAC expects particularly heavy holiday traffic on weekends. Specifically, weekend afternoons, Saturday mornings, and Sunday afternoons require more planning. However, Tuesdays through Thursdays are usually quieter. Reidegeld adds: Good times to start the car journey to the vacation are, in addition to the quieter weekdays, late Sunday afternoons or very early morning hours.

To make the car journey as stress-free as possible, the ADAC advises checking the car before departure, such as coolant and brake fluid levels or tire pressure. What to do if you get stuck in a traffic jam during high temperatures? According to the ADAC, preparation is key. Passengers, especially those traveling with children, should bring sufficient cold beverages and snacks. Autotainment for children is also advisable.

Thinking Ahead for Pets

Before planning a summer vacation, many pet owners must consider where their dogs or cats will stay during that time. The Hessian Criminal Police (LKA) assumes that during the summer holidays, there is an increased risk for pets to be left behind.

Sigrid Faust-Schmidt, spokesperson for the Hessen Animal Protection Association, recommends early and long-term planning. In the best case scenario, one organizes a accommodation for the animals in their private environment during the vacation. Temporary animal pension are also an option. But what if that doesn't work? "There are so many beautiful vacation spots where one can take their pets with them," says Faust-Schmidt.

Skipping school before summer holidays to get cheaper flights is not a good idea

The last few days before summer holidays, letting children skip school to secure cheaper flights? Not a good idea: Police controls and fines can be imposed, as Hesse's Education Ministry explains: "Parents' travels do not justify a leave of absence according to jurisprudence and this will be strictly checked in schools."

Furthermore, the Ministry states: "The fine catalog sees fines/preset fines of at least 200 Euros for offenses in connection with summer holidays up to and including five unexcused absences before/after the summer holidays." The Wiesbaden authority knows, according to its own information, "of police checks for example at airports, whether the compulsory education is being observed."

A leave of absence during school time can only be granted according to the Ministry "in exceptionally justified cases." The classroom teacher decides for absences up to two days before or after the holidays, the school management for longer absences. Leaves of absence can be granted according to the Ministry for "important professional reasons" or for a significant family event such as the death of a family member.

  1. Despite the prospect of summer vacation starting in Hesse, some families decide to depart straight away, facing potential traffic congestion at Frankfurt Airport.
  2. With nearly nine million people expected during the holiday season, Frankfurt Airport, managed by Fraport, has 283 possible travel destinations in 90 countries.
  3. Alexander Laukenmann, the head of flight and terminal operations at Fraport, assures passengers that improvements made in the last two years will result in usual waiting times during the holidays.
  4. To ensure a relaxing vacation, Fraport suggests arriving at the terminal two and a half hours before departure, checking in online, and reserving a parking spot for the car.
  5. During summer holidays, the German Automobile Club (ADAC) advises travelers to plan their trips carefully, particularly considering weekends and congested routes like the A3 and the Hattenbach interchange.
  6. Pet owners should plan ahead for their pets' accommodation during vacation, either in a private environment, temporary animal pension, or vacation spots that allow pets, according to the Hessen Animal Protection Association.
  7. Parents risk fines for allowing their children to skip school before summer holidays to secure cheaper flights, according to Hesse's Education Ministry, which strictly enforces educational attendance in schools.

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