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Stolen traffic light: Discover the voters won by CDU, AfD, and BSW

European elections delivered a blow to the traffic light parties, resulting in significant losses. Winners included the CDU/CSU parties, with the AfD and BSW experiencing an increase in support. Meanwhile, a substantial number of voters chose not to take part in the elections. Explore the...

Voter migration in the 2024 European elections: AfD balances.
Voter migration in the 2024 European elections: AfD balances.

Movement of voters in the European polls - Stolen traffic light: Discover the voters won by CDU, AfD, and BSW

European Election Voter Migration: Checking the Parties' Position

The Union primarily shifted votes from Ampel parties. The Union, though, faced a significant number of lost votes, which went to non-voters.

In this election, the SPD experienced losses beyond just the Union, AfD, and BSW. Approximately 2.5 million previous SPD voters chose not to cast their ballots.

The Greens also found themselves in a tricky position. While they lost most of their votes to the Union, they also lost some to non-voters and the BSW.

The FDP, one of the coalition partners, faced a similar dilemma. Many former FDP voters opted to stay home this time. Moreover, the FDP lost votes to the Union, AfD, and BSW.

The AfD emerged victorious in this European election. They managed to take away votes from all parties, while suffering losses to the BSW. Approximately 380,000 former AfD supporters became non-voters.

The Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW), a new entrant into the field, had a promising start. They mainly attracted former SPD and Left voters. However, they also snatched votes from all other parties, as well as motivated non-voters to participate in the election.

In contrast, the Left saw a decline in voters. The majority of their previous supporters moved to the BSW, while others shifted to the AfD and Union. But significantly, many former Left voters also decided not to vote in this round.

For further details, delve into the graphics below to observe how the voter streams changed at each party.

Graphic I: A general outlook of voter streams

The voter migration is a rough estimate looking at the change in voter streams from the last federal election to the European election. Infratest Dimap, the Institute for Voting Research, calculated these shifts based on exit polls on election night, preliminary results on election day, and adjustments to the voter population (such as new voters).

Source: Tagesschau, date: 10.6.2024, 2:06 a.m.

Graphic II: The outcome of the European Election 2024

At the top lies the preliminary official results, while additional information about the European election 2024 can be found here. [Ignore the rest of the sentence below.]

Read also:

  1. In the European elections, the Alliance 90/The Greens experienced a portion of their votes shifting towards non-voters, in addition to losses to the Union and BSW.
  2. The headlines of top news sources often focus on the voter migration patterns in Germany's European elections, including the significant movement of voters from the CDU to the AfD.
  3. The anti-immigration party, AfD, saw a decrease in its voter base, with around 380,000 former supporters opting to become non-voters in the European elections.
  4. Following the European elections, the SPD, CDU, and FDP scrutinized their strategies to counteract voter migration to parties like the AfD and BSW.
  5. The voter migration data shows that the German party CDU lost some of its voters to the non-voters category during the European elections, while also experiencing a shift to the AfD.

