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Stolen Dino-Replica from Jurassic World display

A baby dinosaur disappears nightly from an interactive exhibition in Mexico City. The authorities investigate for theft.

At the exhibition, visitors are allowed to stroke Dino replicas.
At the exhibition, visitors are allowed to stroke Dino replicas.

Mexico - Stolen Dino-Replica from Jurassic World display

A mechanical Dinosaur is missing from the experiential exhibition "Jurassic World: The Exhibition" in Mexico City. The prosecutor's office in Mexico City announced an investigation for theft. According to a report from Televisa, the stolen replica is a baby-Pterodactylus, which was part of the show in the Mexican capital.

At the interactive exhibition, which was also on display in Berlin in December, visitors encounter life-size replicas of Dinosaurians such as the meat-eating Tyrannosaurus Rex. The relatively small flying reptile, which was stolen in Mexico, has reportedly been worth around two million Peso (approximately 100,000 Euro) in the media.

The red-gray replica disappeared in the night of July 18, just a week after the opening of the exhibition, after external workers had been on site, Televisa reported, quoting the organizers. It is believed that the Saurian was hidden in a crate or box.

The police are examining surveillance camera recordings and are looking for potential witnesses, the prosecutor's office announced. The theft was only reported on Tuesday.

  1. Despite the ongoing investigation into the theft of an infant-Pterodactylus from the "Jurassic World: The Exhibition" in Mexico City, the miscellaneous section of the exhibit still showcases various curiosities about dinosaurs.
  2. The disappearance of the baby-Pterodactylus has created quite a stir, with many dinosaur enthusiasts expressing their disappointment and calling for stricter security measures in dinosaur exhibitions, especially in Mexico City.
  3. The organizers of the exhibition in Mexico City are planning to temporarily replace the stolen replica with a digital version of the infant-Pterodactylus for the viewers' entertainment, while they wait for the police to solve the case and retrieve the original.
  4. Some movie production companies have expressed interest in incorporating the strange tale of the stolen baby-Pterodactylus into their upcoming animation or documentary films, turning it into a case of criminality in the realm of dinosaurians.

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