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Stiftung Warentest: Which diet approaches are really any good

According to the Robert Koch Institute, over half of Germans have a problem with being overweight. Especially at the start of the year, many people want to eat more healthily and perhaps lose a few kilos. But it's better to avoid crash diets.

If you want to lose pounds, you should work on your diet in the long
If you want to lose pounds, you should work on your diet in the long

Lose weight - Stiftung Warentest: Which diet approaches are really any good

New year, new diet resolution. This is probably how many Germans start the new year. Now that the Christmas feasting has added another kilo or two to their ribs, a diet is supposed to do the trick. And every year, countless new fad diets come onto the market that promise to help you lose weight quickly. But these crash diets only lead to frustration or, in the case of fee-based programs, to an empty wallet. Stiftung Warentest took a close look at 15 diet and nutrition concepts. The product testers evaluated the study situation, how feasible they are and whether they help to maintain the desired weight in the long term.

The result is easy to summarize: Even in 2024, no miracle diet has come onto the market that makes losing weight really easy. There is no magic formula. The formula always remains the same: eat a balanced diet and cut calories.

The guidelines for obesity recommend cutting 500 kilocalories per day over a longer period of time. This is because healthy weight reduction takes time. According to Stiftung Warentest, nutritional concepts that help us to change our eating habits in the long term are therefore recommended. There are five of these in total. For example, the Mediterranean diet, i.e. lots of fruit, vegetables, olive oil and fish rather than meat. In other words, if you want to lose weight permanently, you have to choose a diet that fits into your everyday life, can be implemented and still allows you to enjoy yourself.

Stiftung Warentest: Healthy weight loss does not come from extreme dietary changes

If you want to lose weight, you should avoid sugary drinks. Sweets are usually calorie bombs and therefore rarely belong on the menu. Eating an apple instead of an ice cream sundae can save calories.

The product testers classify several diet concepts such as the keto diet as unsuitable for healthy weight loss. This is because strictly abstaining from carbohydrates would mean a drastic change in diet and could even damage the heart. Overall, nutritional concepts are classified as unsuitable if their effects are not scientifically proven, do not allow healthy weight loss and are not suitable for a long-term change in diet.

Stiftung Warentest recommends choosing a suitable nutritional concept, getting an overview of your eating habits, taking your time and seeking support from a doctor or nutritionist if necessary.

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You can find more tips on how to maintain your weight in another article by Stiftung Warentest!

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