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Steinmeier in Israel: Normality in abnormal times?

A visit to Israel now? Right now, says Federal President Steinmeier ahead of his trip, which begins this Sunday. His pre-released video message shows just how unusual it will be.

Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier is traveling to Israel
Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier is traveling to Israel

Steinmeier in Israel: Normality in abnormal times?

It is as if he wants to send a small signal of normality in these abnormal times. Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier is not the first high-ranking German politician to visit Israel since the attack by the terrorist organization Hamas on 7 October. Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) has already been there, and Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock (Greens) three times. But unlike them, Steinmeier does not engage in crisis diplomacy, does not arrive in the morning and fly away again in the evening, but stays overnight and adds a second day. It almost looks like a normal official visit, especially as he is accompanied by his wife Elke Büdenbender.

However, many circumstances show that it will be anything but a normal trip. These include the fact that, contrary to usual practice, the Office of the Federal President has not published the detailed itinerary, which is also due to security reasons. Instead, Steinmeier explained the reasons for his trip in the midst of the Gaza war in a video message just 24 hours before departure, something he never does. And it is also unusual that the number 1 in the state is coming to Israel with the number 2 - Bundestag President Bärbel Bas (SPD).

Ending the war only by releasing "all hostages"

Steinmeier will then meet Sultan Haitham bin Tarik in Oman on Tuesday and Emir Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani in Qatar on Wednesday to discuss the new Middle East conflict and the way out of it. Qatar has close contacts with Hamas and plays an important mediating role, for example in the release of hostages taken to Gaza. Steinmeier said in his video on Saturday that he wanted to talk in Qatar about how the negotiations could now continue. "The path to ending the fighting will and can only lead to the release of the hostages. All hostages!"

This is one message Steinmeier is traveling to the Middle East with. Another is that Israel naturally has a right to self-defense against Hamas, but humanitarian rules must also be observed in this war. "No one can deny Israel the right to fight terror decisively," Steinmeier said in the video message. However, this fight is also causing great suffering among unarmed civilians. "Every precaution to get civilians out of the line of fire is necessary. In addition, there is the supply of the most basic necessities of life. This is required by international humanitarian law, and we Germans expect the same."

Steinmeier wants to talk about how people can get out of the danger zones and aid supplies can get in during the ceasefire. Germany is ready to help with the evacuation of the sick and children, he said. "For us, there is no question that every human life weighs equally. And therefore: No, we cannot make a humanitarian distinction. Our sympathy goes out to all civilian victims of this war." Politically, however, we must differentiate. "Because the terror that struck Israel on October 7 must not be repeated."

Steinmeier pleads for a two-state solution

To achieve lasting peace, however, Steinmeier points to a path that has long been propagated without success: the two-state solution. There must be more security for Israel and more future prospects for the Palestinians. "And if there is to be a lasting peace at the end of the day, it can only mean: two states! The Palestinians must exercise their right to political self-determination and live in dignity, freedom and peace with their neighbors."

In recent years, the two-state idea has primarily been a story of missed and wasted opportunities, said Steinmeier: "Missed by the international community, also wasted by the expansion of Israeli settlements in the West Bank."

Quiet criticism that the host, President Izchak Herzog, can cope with. On the one hand, he is familiar with it from other partners, and on the other, it comes from a good friend. Both presidents are closely connected, as is repeatedly emphasized in Berlin.

  1. Despite staying overnight and adding a second day to his visit, Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier acknowledged that his trip to Israel, taking place during the ongoing Gaza war, would not be normal due to security reasons and the urgent need to discuss the release of hostages.
  2. In his video message just before departing for Israel, Steinmeier expressed his concern for the hostages held in Gaza and highlighted the importance of upholding humanitarian rules during the conflict, ensuring civilians are protected and basic necessities are provided.
  3. Steinmeier is also advocating for a two-state solution, emphasizing the need for both Israel's security and better prospects for the Palestinians to build a lasting peace, according to which they can exercise their right to self-determination and live with dignity, freedom, and peace.
  4. Steinmeier's agenda will also include meetings with Sultan Haitham bin Tarik in Oman and Emir Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani in Qatar, where he plans to discuss the new Middle East conflict and the necessary steps towards ending the Gaza war and releasing all hostages, with a strong focus on Qatar's role as a mediator in the conflict.




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