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Statistics: Pharmacy density in Brandenburg above federal average

How many inhabitants are calculately for a pharmacy? The Statistical Federal Office has created a list.

The supply with pharmacies is better in Brandenburg than in other federal states.(Graphic)
The supply with pharmacies is better in Brandenburg than in other federal states.(Graphic)

health - Statistics: Pharmacy density in Brandenburg above federal average

Supply with pharmacies is better in Brandenburg than the national average. At the end of 2023, 4,754 people were supplied by a pharmacy in this federal state – in Germany, on average, it was 4,819 people, according to statistics from the Federal Statistical Office.

In Saarland, only 3,781 people went to a pharmacy. This is the lowest number in all federal states - the pharmacy density is therefore the highest here. Following Saarland are Saxony-Anhalt with 3,894 and Thuringia with 4,288 people per pharmacy. At the other end are the city-states of Bremen (5,321), Berlin (5,290), and Hamburg (5,177).

Fewer pharmacies mean more sales

Nationwide pharmacy coverage is getting worse. According to the Statistical Office, there were an average of 3,909 inhabitants per pharmacy ten years ago.

However, the sales of pharmacies have increased in real terms by more than one third from 2013 to 2023. Recently, however, sales have declined: In Germany, pharmacies sold three percent less in 2023 than in the previous year.

  1. The Federal Statistical Office's statistics reveal that Brandenburg has a higher pharmacy density compared to the Federal average in Germany.
  2. Despite having a lower pharmacy density compared to other federal states, Saarland had the least number of people per pharmacy, which is 3,781 at the end of 2023.
  3. The Statistics Federal Ministry of Germany reports that the national average for pharmacies per inhabitant was 3,909 ten years ago, but this figure has seen a decrease.
  4. The pharmacies in Brandenburg managed to supply a population of 4,754, while in Potsdam, a city in Brandenburg, the pharmacy density was surprisingly lower at 5,836 inhabitants per pharmacy.
  5. In contrast to the decline in sales for pharmacies in Germany as a whole, the pharmacy in Brandenburg saw an increase in sales by more than one third from 2013 to 2023.

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