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Statistics: More and more people work from home

The pandemic changed the working world. In Sachsen-Anhalt, there are many people who work from home.

In Sachsen-Anhalt, more people work from home (graphic)
In Sachsen-Anhalt, more people work from home (graphic)

Working from home - Statistics: More and more people work from home

In Saxony-Anhalt, there are around 123,600 employees who worked from home at least part-time in 2023, according to the initial results from the Microcensus reported by the Statistical State Office. This corresponds to a percentage of twelve percent of all employees. In the previous year, 120,300 people worked from home, which was also twelve percent.

According to the data, the proportion of people working from home has doubled since 2013. At that time, around 64,200 employees worked from home (six percent). In 2019, the year before the Corona Pandemic, only 64,400 people used the home office (six percent). In the first year of the pandemic, the number rose to 95,800 employees (ten percent).

In 2023, Homeoffice was used equally by women and men: 63,500 men and 60,100 women worked from home. Among the employees working from home in 2023, 27 percent worked every working day in the home office. In the previous year, the proportion was still slightly larger, at 30 percent, and in 2020 it was 34 percent.

  1. The increase in remote work can also be observed in the health sector, with 15,200 health professionals working from home in 2023, up from 13,800 in 2019, before the Covid-19 pandemic.
  2. To understand the impact of the Corona virus on disease patterns, scientists are analyzing the Microcensus statistics, which include data on remote work and health status.
  3. Despite the rise in remote work, Saxony-Anhalt continues to grapple with the economic consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic, affecting various sectors like manufacturing and tourism.
  4. The Saxony-Anhalt government is investing in telemedicine and digital health initiatives to ensure that even when working from home, employees can have access to essential healthcare services related to the Microcensus or Covid-19.

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