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St. Pauli-Coach Blessin 'euphoric' after first week

FC St. Pauli, Bundesliga promoter, completed the first week of pre-season training. New coach Alexander Blessin is satisfied. On Saturday, Hamburg will face the first test match.

FC St. Pauli denies the first test match in the season preparation on Saturday.
FC St. Pauli denies the first test match in the season preparation on Saturday.

Football-Bundesliga - St. Pauli-Coach Blessin 'euphoric' after first week

Alexander Blessin is satisfied with the first training week at Bundesliga promoter FC St. Pauli. "I am euphoric," said the new coach at a press conference on the club's training ground: "We made eight training sessions in the first week, and the boys have followed along without complaining."

On Saturday (15.30 Uhr), the first test match of the season preparation is scheduled. FC St. Pauli will face Regionalliga team Bremer SV in Schleswig-Holstein, Malente. "That should be a good conclusion to the first training week," said Blessin.

The 51-year-old announced that he will field two teams against the team that finished 11th in the previous Regionalliga season. Each half will have a team. Blessin added, "The team with the worse result should polish the shoes or make breakfast for the better team,".

On Monday, FC St. Pauli's training camp in Scheffau am Wilden Kaiser begins. The promoter plans to take 24 players to Austria. Maurides will not be among them. The Brazilian striker is absent due to his training deficit. In Austria, the convalescents Manolis Saliakas, Nikola Vasilj and Philipp Treu will be brought closer to the team again.

Alexander Blessin's satisfaction with FC St. Pauli's first training week in the Football-Bundesliga is evident, as he praised the team's enthusiasm and dedication during the eight sessions. The upcoming test match against Bremer SV in Schleswig-Holstad, Malente, on Saturday at 15.30 Uhr, will serve as a conclusive evaluation of the team's first training week. To ensure a fair competition, Blessin plans to field two teams, with the underperforming team expected to perform menial tasks such as polishing shoes or preparing breakfast for the winners. FC St. Pauli will depart for their season preparation training camp in Scheffau am Wilden Kaiser, Austria, on Monday, with 24 players, excluding Maurides due to his training deficit. Convalescent players, including Manolis Saliakas, Nikola Vasilj, and Philipp Treu, will also join the team in Austria during their training camp.

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