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SPD will be a stabilizer in Saxony and co-govern

The SPD translates its abbreviation for the Saxony state election anew. The three letters are supposed to mean 'Saxon Politics for You'. The party leader promises a campaign also with winks.

Hanged soon everywhere in Saxony: SPD-top candidate Petra Köpping
Hanged soon everywhere in Saxony: SPD-top candidate Petra Köpping

Parties - SPD will be a stabilizer in Saxony and co-govern

The Saxon SPD sees itself as a stability anchor and wants to continue co-governing in a new state government. Henning Homann, party chairman, spoke about this in Dresden: "We stand for a stable coalition government. It's not about which party is the strongest in this landtag election. It's about a stable government. The CDU cannot provide that alone." Homann stated that the SPD aims to increase its share in the coalition. "We want to have more to say in the government."

The SPD campaign slogan is "For Saxony. For You" and is focused on candidate Petra Köpping, who is responsible for Social Affairs and Social Cohesion in Minister-President Michael Kretschmer's (CDU) cabinet. A campaign poster even shows both of them together, with Köpping's appointment in December 2019. Under Kretschmer, the quote reads: "Behind the success of this man ... there's a strong woman who can." Homann noted that Köpping enjoys high recognition and popularity in Saxony. She enjoys the trust of the people in the Free State.

It's about Saxony, not about the traffic light in Berlin

According to Köpping, one must focus on the essentials during difficult times. "We are conducting a campaign about content. It's not about culture wars. We are campaigning for Saxony and not about the traffic light in Berlin." It's important for Saxony to put the right things into motion for the economy, education, and families in the state.

She wants to fight for a stable government, and a stable government can only be achieved with the SPD. Key issues in the campaign include investments in hospitals, more personnel in schools and kindergartens, good wages, affordable housing, and better public transportation with "more bus and train."

Party chairwoman Kathrin Michel remains optimistic: "France shows that the right-wing can be beaten. They have no concepts; they are poison for our open and free society." The Saxon SPD has been working for stability in this land for ten years and intends to continue this responsibility and offer voters a strong alternative. Köpping is the right choice for Saxony. "Challenging times require politicians and politicians with experience and a sense of responsibility."

Federal politicians of the SPD are involved in the Saxon election campaign

Köpping's campaign schedule includes over 100 appearances. Federal prominence is also expected. Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz is coming to Dresden on July 19 for the campaign kickoff and to Chemnitz on August 30 for the finale. Bundesverteidigungsminister Boris Pistorius, Bundesarbeitsminister Hubertus Heil, Bundesgesundheitsminister Karl Lauterbach, and Lower Saxony's state premier Stephan Weil also have appearances scheduled in Saxony.

"I want Bundespoliticians to be confronted directly with our issues in Saxony," Köpping said. She answered the question of whether federal politics might hinder the campaign negatively as follows: "A tailwind is something completely different."

The Saxon SPD received only 7.7% of the second votes in the 2019 landtag election. In the surveys, it is currently between one and two percentage points above the five-percent hurdle. In the European election in June, it achieved 6.9% in the Free State.

Michael Kretschmer, the Minister-President of Saxony from the CDU, has Petra Köpping in his cabinet as the responsible figure for Social Affairs and Social Cohesion. Berlin, however, is not the focus of Köpping's campaign, as she emphasizes the importance of focusing on the essentials in Saxony during difficult times. She aims to fight for a stable government, which can only be achieved with the SPD, and has key issues such as investments in hospitals, more personnel in schools and kindergartens, good wages, affordable housing, and better public transportation in her campaign.

Henning Homann, the party chairman of the SPD in Saxony, believes that the CDU cannot provide a stable government alone in the upcoming state election. Therefore, the SPD aims to increase its share in the coalition government. Federal politicians from the SPD, including Olaf Scholz, Boris Pistorius, Hubertus Heil, Karl Lauterbach, and Stephan Weil, are involved in Köpping's campaign in Saxony. Köpping sees the involvement of federal politicians as a positive tailwind, and her campaign schedule includes over 100 appearances.

Despite the SPD receiving only 7.7% of the second votes in the 2019 landtag election, the party is currently above the five-percent hurdle in surveys for the upcoming state election. In the European election in June, the SPD achieved 6.9% in the Free State. Michael Kretschmer and Petra Köpping's campaign slogan is "For Saxony. For You," with Köpping enjoying high recognition and popularity in the state. Saxony's SPD sees itself as a stability anchor and wants to continue co-governing in a new state government after the election.

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