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SPD lawmaker Diaby publicizes a death threat.

More assaults on political figures.

Diaby explained that hatred and agitation against politicians had reached a new level, but that he...
Diaby explained that hatred and agitation against politicians had reached a new level, but that he would not be intimidated.

SPD lawmaker Diaby publicizes a death threat.

Politicians, like Karamba Diaby, an SPD member of parliament, are experiencing violence both online and offline. Threats to him and his staff continue to surface, and he's determined to stand firm.

Diaby has taken to Instagram to share a chilling message that reads, "I will not be silenced. I will defend myself." He's decided to go public with the latest in a series of threats and racially charged messages aimed at him. He includes his staff in his warning as well.

The SPD representative is dismayed by the escalating hostility displayed toward politicians, lamenting in his post, "The level of hatred and hate speech seems to have hit an all-time high. I witness it daily in news and comments, as well as in the German Bundestag. Right-wing populists like the AfD, with their dehumanizing narratives, are fueling this hate speech, contributing to a dangerous divide in our society."

Diaby's constituency office has before been subject to physical attacks, such as the time in May 2023 when an office door was set ablaze. He currently finds himself in the spotlight as the number of aggressive attacks against representatives from all parties continues to rise.

Additionally, the state branch of The Left Party in Thuringia reported a harrowing encounter for their direct and list candidate, Steffen Much. While shopping in a supermarket, he was unprovokedly insulted at the register and later aggressively attacked by a man who grabbed his T-shirt. Although Much escaped unscathed, he proceeded to file a complaint against his attacker, who was previously known to him by name.

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