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Spain is experiencing the first heatwave

Cooling down expected from Sunday

Spain is experiencing the first heat wave
Spain is experiencing the first heat wave

Spain is experiencing the first heatwave

**Hot air masses from Africa bring first real heatwave of summer to Spain. Temperatures over 40 degrees were measured in the Andalusian city of Sevilla, as the national weather service Aemet reported. The air was just as hot and oppressive in other cities in the Guadalquivir Valley in the south and in Saragossa in the northeast by the Ebro River. Aemet had even expected up to 44 degrees. These could be reached in the Saragossa region on Saturday.

On Mallorca, the favorite holiday island of the Germans, temperatures were initially more moderate - they were at 33 degrees. However, due to higher humidity, they felt at least as hot as in Andalusia. A slight cooling was only expected from Sunday onwards. Then temperatures were expected to fall below 40 degrees nationwide.**

Despite the anticipated cooling on Sunday, temperatures in Mallorca were still expected to feel just as hot due to high humidity. This heatwave, initially bringing intense heat to Sevilla and other cities, might see a slight decrease in temperatures across Spain starting from that day.

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