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Southern advocates for the prompt reinstatement of military service

Markus Söder advocates for resuming compulsory military service at the earliest opportunity.
Markus Söder advocates for resuming compulsory military service at the earliest opportunity.

Southern advocates for the prompt reinstatement of military service

Bavaria's leader, Markus Söder, keeps pushing for the revival of mandatory military service, known as conscription. In preparation for the CSU conference starting this Friday, he reiterated this desire in an interview with "Bild", stating that funding for the military, structured plans, drone use, and, of course, conscription are essential. He emphasized the need for this to happen "as soon as possible" to ensure future military capabilities.

In May, Söder advocated for a swift reintroduction of conscription through a comprehensive plan. Now, he proposes reinstating the old conscription system, which was in place until 2011, due to its simplicity and lack of constitutional amendment requirements. Initially, the reintroduced conscription would be for men, although this could be debated further.

However, Söder has one adjustment in mind: unlike in the final years of conscription, where those with minor health issues were automatically excluded from service, stricter medical assessments should be imposed. Additionally, Söder is against foreign deployments, preferring to focus on national and alliance defense. He believes that conscription can help foster a sense of connection between young people and the values of freedom, democracy, and justice.

Söder's Commitment to Bavaria

The CSU conference will also welcome Union leader Friedrich Merz. Despite both candidates being in contention for the chancellor candidate role, Merz was ultimately chosen to represent the CDU/CSU in the upcoming federal election. However, Söder expressed his support for Merz, saying, "I stand fully behind him."

Söder has no interest in joining the new Bundestag or taking up a ministerial role. He intends to remain as Bavaria's Minister President and party chairman. He considers this role to be the most beneficial for a CSU chairman. Furthermore, he does not aspire to become federal president, considering himself more of an executor rather than a preacher. Söder's career aspirations are limited to either the Chancellorship or the position of Minister President.

The conference will cover topics such as migration, integration, and internal security, as well as economics, innovation, and labor issues, as well as foreign, security, and defense policy. Söder is expected to deliver a keynote speech on Friday evening.

In light of the upcoming CSU conference, Söder has reiterated his call for the 'Reform of the Bundeswehr', specifically advocating for the reintroduction of conscription in a comprehensive plan. He proposes returning to the old conscription system, which was in place until 2011, and plans to revise the medical assessment process for potential recruits.

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