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South Korea summons Russia's envoy over North Korea accord agreement

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Agreement with North Korea: South Korea summons Russia's ambassador
Agreement with North Korea: South Korea summons Russia's ambassador

South Korea summons Russia's envoy over North Korea accord agreement

South Korea's authorities issued a firm rebuke to Russia over its fresh collaboration with North Korea, demanding an immediate halt to military collaboration with the reclusive regime. Following Russian President Vladimir Putin's visit to North Korea, South Korea's Foreign Ministry called in Russian Ambassador to Seoul, Georgi Sinowiew.

Senior Foreign Minister Kim Hong Kyun articulated the government's stance, asserting that cooperative action, in alliance with the global community, would be enacted against any actions posing a threat to South Korean citizens. North Korea has been covertly developing nuclear weapons and missiles for years and poses a risk of launching them against South Korea.

Any collaboration that bolsters North Korea's military capabilities, whether directly or indirectly, would contravene UN Security Council resolutions against Pyongyang, stated Kim. Thus, he also cautioned of potential repercussions for the Russia-South Korea relationship. "Russia should act with responsibility."

Prior to this, South Korea had already criticized Russia's broad strategic partnership agreement with North Korea, signed by both parties in Pyongyang on Thursday. This treaty includes mutual backing in times of conflict. From South Korea's standpoint, the treaty serves to bolster military cooperation. South Korea's National Security Advisor Chang Ho Jin suggested that his country may rescind its prior refusal to export arms to Ukraine.

Russia's military actions against Ukraine have prompted South Korea to impose financial sanctions against Moscow. However, South Korea does not arm Kiev with weapons. Putin had previously threatened South Korea with severe repercussions in the event of arms sales to Ukraine.

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