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South experiences street and basement flooding due to excessive rainfall.

Persistent rainfall in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg leads to flooding as some rivers overflow their banks; potential for further damage is high.

The Danube overflowed its banks in Lauingen, Bavaria.
The Danube overflowed its banks in Lauingen, Bavaria.

A severe weather event is approaching. - South experiences street and basement flooding due to excessive rainfall.

Severe flooding is on the rise in southern Germany due to heavy rainfall. In Bavaria, the districts of Augsburg, Aichach-Friedberg, and Gunzburg have declared a state of disaster. These regions are expected to see significant water level increases over the next few hours, according to the administration in Augsburg. Along with Bavaria, Baden-Württemberg is also experiencing extreme conditions. Residents have even been evacuated using boats. Several districts in the country have been issued the highest possible severe weather warning.

Pouring rain has been falling in southern Germany for hours on end. Germany's meteorological agency, DWD, reports that storm warnings of maximum level 4 are currently in effect for western Swabia, Upper Allgäu, and Upper Bavaria. Warnings of level 3, with 40-70 liters of rain predicted, have been issued for Middle and Upper Franconia. Starting in the afternoon, northern Bavaria may expect heavy thunderstorms.

Meteorologists fear that some locations could experience flooding of a magnitude not seen in a century. This is a statistical term referring to a flood that occurs once every 100 years. Several weather warnings are initially valid until Sunday, with some remaining in place until Monday.

135 liters of rainfall per square meter have been recorded in Sigmarszell-Zeisertsweiler, Bavaria, since 8:00 am on Friday. Similarly, 130 liters have accumulated in Kißlegg, Baden-Württemberg. In several cities across both states, more than 100 liters of rain have fallen within a period of 24 hours by early Saturday morning.

Despite a lack of large-scale flooding, rivers and streams have started to overflow in various areas. The Swabian district of Unterallgäu prompted approximately 150 residents to voluntarily leave their homes. Over in Babenhausen, around 100 people were impacted, said a representative from the district administration. Local authorities intend to rescue these individuals using boats. Bavaria's Prime Minister, Markus Söder, and Interior Minister, Joachim Herrmann, are scheduled to visit the Swabian flood zone on Saturday.

Flooded streets and basements have led to numerous police interventions across Bavaria. Authorities in the affected areas have been primarily focused on Swabia and northern Upper Bavaria. According to police reports, an assortment of people were injured in various traffic incidents on the A9 autobahn on Friday due to the rainy weather. Additionally, flooded streets and basements were reported repeatedly. Emergency services and locals with flooding concerns have resorted to sandbags to protect themselves from rising water levels.

A central sandbag depot was established in the Baden-Württemberg municipality of Friedrichshafen at the Lake Constance fairgrounds. Over 10,000 sandbags will be brought in from a neighboring district, supported by hundreds of emergency personnel from the fire department, Technical Relief Organization, and Red Cross.

The Lake Constance area is especially concerned about flooding due to its imminent water levels. Around 1300 people in Meckenbeuren have been advised to vacate their homes. The situation has stabilized but is not yet fully under control. The fire department spokesperson stated that water levels are expected to drop as significant amounts of water have already flowed away. A school has been fortified with sandbags while the structural integrity of its embankment remains in question.

Residents near Ravensburg's Weingarten were told to avoid basements on Friday night. Neighbors and friends are being asked to provide accommodations for evacuating residents, and it remains unclear when a definite all-clear can be given.

A flooding alert was issued for Wangen im Allgäu on Friday night. The city announced that the Landesgartenschau would remain closed on Saturday for safety reasons. "The river is full with a lot of water, and it's unclear how the situation will progress." While the situation has calmed down somewhat, no official all-clear has been issued.

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