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Someone attempting to assassinate Trump used an American favorite weapon

Thomas Matthew Crooks shot at Donald Trump with a weapon from the AR-15 family. However, America's favorite rifle is not an ideal choice for an assassin.

Tiffany Teasdale-Causer, owner of a gun store, presents a semi-automatic Ruger AR-15 rifle.
Tiffany Teasdale-Causer, owner of a gun store, presents a semi-automatic Ruger AR-15 rifle.

AR-15 - Someone attempting to assassinate Trump used an American favorite weapon

Trump assassination attempt suspect Thomas Matthew Crooks used a weapon in AR-15 style, the FBI states. The AR-15 is not necessarily a specific model, but rather a whole family of individual products with countless variations that all trace back to a common ancestor.

The actual AR-15 was developed in the 1950s for the needs of modern warfare. The requirements were similar to those that led to the development of the German StG44 and the Russian Kalashnikov. A lot of ammunition and high rate of fire were prioritized over precision and range. From the AR-15, the then standard rifle of the US troops in the Vietnam War, the M16, was derived.

AR stands for the first manufacturer, Armalite, which sold the concept in 1963 to Colt Industries. The renaming to M16 has no technical background; with its integration into the military, the weapon was subjected to the alphabetical system of the armed forces, like every US bomber receiving the letter "B."

Numerous Clones

The weapon entered the civilian market later. When the original patent protection expired, several companies began producing cheap clones and variants. The gun laws in the USA led to the civilian models not being real automatic weapons, each shot had to be manually triggered. However, a high rate of fire could still be achieved. Gun enthusiasts in the USA are fascinated by the AR-15 due to its direct descent from the military rifle M16 – just as every Kalashnikov drinks from the fame of the AK-47.

From the beginning, the AR-15 convinced with its combination of low weight and high destructive power. Models weigh between 2.7 and 3.8 kilograms. In addition, the linear design of the weapon allows for minimal forces to be exerted on the shooter's shoulder, while only a few forces push the weapon out of the line of sight. Today, rifles in AR-15 style are sold in various versions. From inexpensively produced models to those that meet or even exceed military quality requirements. The weapon is available with short or long barrels. It allows countless attachments and modifications.

AR-15 is a weapon for many purposes

The success of the AR-15 also stems from a little-known feature in this country: An AR-15 can be individually customized. With a few hand grips, the weapon can be disassembled and reassembled. Each individual module can be adjusted. The standard weapon from the rack is as variable as a Lego building set – even the caliber can be varied. Many people do not buy a finished AR-15, but build their own.

This versatility makes the AR-15 popular. A two-barreled hunting rifle can only be used for big game hunting. In contrast to other rifles, the AR-15 with a short barrel is handy enough to be used in houses and confined spaces. Therefore, it appears ideal for self-defense in one's own home. Compared to a classic revolver or a pistol, the AR-15 has a much greater effective range and a high rate of fire. Even an inexperienced shooter can repel attackers by sending a bullet spray in their direction. At the same time, it also functions as a hunting rifle. In rural America, this is an important point. In the USA, hunting is organized differently than here. Hunting is not an expensive hobby, it serves the meat supply. Hunting and deep freezer relieve many US household budgets.

## AR-15 is not a Sniper Rifle

In summary: The combination of various variants, a large price range including budget models, the possibility of customization, and the combination of hunting and defensive weapons contributes to the widespread use of the AR-15 family. These advantages also make the AR-15 dangerous and the reason it is frequently used in mass shootings. A shooter can fire many shots in little time without significant modifications. It can be used at close range, but also effectively at 500 meters with appropriate ammunition.

However, the AR-15 is not an ideal weapon for an assassination. A professional assassin would not have chosen a "one-size-fits-all" weapon, but a precise rifle for long distances. It does not have to be a specialized sniper rifle, a good hunting rifle would also be suitable. With it, greater distances would have been possible.

The Trump assassin did not act like a professional sniper. In videos circulating on the internet, it seems he did not use a sight, his shooting range was between 120 and 150 meters. For an experienced shooter, this is a distance that can be hit without a sight. However, this proximity made him noticeable and disturbing. He almost hit Trump's head, missing only by a few centimeters and brushing his ear. Other shots hit attendees of the event. A 50-year-old was killed, two others were severely injured.

Thomas Matthew Crooks, the suspect in the Trump assassination attempt, favored the AR-15 style weapon as his favorite weapon, according to FBI reports. The versatility of the AR-15 family, with its numerous variations, has contributed to its popularity in the United States. The weapon's adaptability, similar to a Lego building set, allows for customization to individual needs. Despite its popularity in mass shootings, the AR-15 is not an ideal weapon for long-distance assassinations. A more precise rifle, like a hunting rifle or a specialized sniper rifle, would have been more suitable for a professional assassin, who aims for precision and minimal disturbance.

In contrast to Thomas Matthew Crooks' approach, a professional assassin would not rely on a generic AR-15, but instead would opt for a weapon tailored to the specific requirements of the assassination, prioritizing precision and range over high rate of fire. The Trump assassin's use of the AR-15, without sights and at a relatively close range, resulted in a noticeable and potentially disturbing presence, closer misses, and casualties among event attendees.

The TRUMP assassination attempt suspect, Thomas Matthew Crooks, relying on an AR-15 style weapon for his assault, did not act in line with the precision and minimization requirements still associated with professional assassinations. A more specialized weapon, like a hunting rifle or a sniper rifle, would have supported a more discreet and effective assassination strategy. The crudeness of his approach, as evidenced in the event's videos, resulted in the avoidance of the presidential target by only a few centimeters, and in fatalities and injuries among the event attendees.

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