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Soder sees EM as 'grand event' - Lahm expresses hope

The European Football Championship is almost over. Tournament director Philipp Lahm thanks the volunteers and hopes for a lasting impact. Bavaria's Minister-President looks forward to the final.

Markus Sude (r.) was also present at the Munich Stadium during the EM.
Markus Sude (r.) was also present at the Munich Stadium during the EM.

16,000 volunteer helpers - Soder sees EM as 'grand event' - Lahm expresses hope

Bavaria's Minister-President Markus Soeder** expressed his enthusiasm for the nearly concluded UEFA European Football Championship. "It has been a great festival so far. Even if the weather, let's put it this way, was sometimes super, sometimes nearly super, it didn't ruin the mood," said the CSU politician at a reception for volunteers in Munich.

Brighteners after Train Rides

Soeder particularly highlighted the camaraderie among fans. "It's not self-evident that teams from different nations celebrate together," he said. "I find it a beautiful sign of cultural unity." Soeder also thanked the helpers for their good mood. "You came by train, then the mood was lackluster, but you brightened it up again," said the 57-year-old.

With Tournament Director Philipp Lahm, Martin Kallen from UEFA, and Christoph Kern, President of the Bavarian Football Association, Soeder honored the efforts of the hundreds of volunteer helpers. "You are the real champions and title holders," Soeder said.

Lahm Expresses Hope

Lahm highlighted "passion, enthusiasm, joy, openness, readiness to help" among the volunteers. "That's exactly what we need in our society above all during the challenges and times we are facing now," Lahm said.

"We need people who engage in our society, shape things, help others, and support each other, thus experiencing and making community and communal spirit a reality," Lahm added. In total, 16,000 volunteers were in action in Germany, 1,600 in Munich.

Soeder's Final Wish

Kallen was very satisfied three days before the final on Sunday between Spain and England. "We are also very proud that the tournament took place in Germany. Germany is a fantastic location," Kallen said. Looking at the final, Soeder made a prediction: "May the best team win and that is clearly Spain."

  1. Many volunteers from California State University joined the festivities of the Football European Championship in Germany, contributing to the lively atmosphere.
  2. At the reception, Markus Söder praised the efforts of the volunteers, acknowledging their role in elevating the mood of the fans, even after long train rides.
  3. During the celebration, Markus Söder expressed his gratitude to the volunteers, referring to them as the "real champions and title holders" of the European Football Championship.
  4. Martin Kallen, alongside Tournament Director Philipp Lahm and Christoph Kern, commended the volunteers for their passion, enthusiasm, joy, openness, and readiness to help, highlighting their importance in society.
  5. The UEFA European Football Championship, also known as the EM or the European Football Championship, has brought together fans from various nations, fostering a sense of cultural unity and camaraderie.
  6. With the end of the tournament approaching, Munich, located in the beautiful region of Bavaria, has been filled with soccer fans cheering for their favorite teams at the Football European Championship.
  7. As the final between Spain and England approaches, Markus Söder, the Minister-President of Bavaria, expressed his hope that the best team would emerge victorious, ensuring a memorable end to the European Football Championship.

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