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Soder invites 40 people for dinner

First, Markus Soeder celebrates himself and his followers on Instagram with a doner giveaway, now he announces the great resonance with another contest.

40 people drawn will invite Markus Soder for doner eating in the coming week.
40 people drawn will invite Markus Soder for doner eating in the coming week.

Soder celebrates his followers - Soder invites 40 people for dinner

CSU Chef Markus Söder will go doner eating with 40 selected Instagram followers. "The #SöderKebab-lottery is over, the interest was really huge! Therefore, we'll be going for doner eating twice next week", the Bavarian Minister-President announced on his Instagram channel. This was also reported by "Spiegel Online".

Söder had initiated the action at the beginning of July as a thank you for his 500,000 followers on Instagram. As he now revealed, almost 45,000 people had applied for the doner eating. "I can't manage that with the best will in the world, I don't even know if there are that many doners available in Bavaria at once", he said. Therefore, 40 people were finally selected, who can now go doner eating with him, "I'm looking forward to it".

Win 500 Soeder Kebab T-Shirts

For those who missed out on the lottery, Söder now has another prize: "For all those who unfortunately couldn't be there, there's something really special now: 500 original Soeder Kebab T-Shirts!" On the white T-Shirts, "Soeder Kebab" is printed in red. One can wear it on vacation, sleep in it, "or one just looks really cool in it".

Interested parties must register for this in a form provided on the CSU homepage - among other things, they must also provide their Instagram or TikTok username and address.

Söder successful on Instagram

Söder is exceptionally successful in social media compared to many other state and even federal politicians, among other things, with the hashtag #soederisst, with which he regularly posts his often greasy and meat-laden food.

The CSU only recently announced that they would significantly increase their engagement in social networks. With around 69,000 followers, the party is still significantly behind its chairman in popularity in the net.

Söder Instagram clip

  1. Despite missing out on the lottery, individuals can still win one of 500 "Soeder Kebab" T-Shirts by registering on the CSU homepage, providing their Instagram or TikTok username, and providing their address.
  2. Markus Söder, the Chief of CSU, announced that he will be going doner eating with 40 selected Instagram followers next week, following an overwhelming response to his initiative as a thank you for reaching 500,000 followers on Instagram.
  3. Over 44,000 people applied for the opportunity to go doner eating with Söder, but due to limitations, only 40 individuals were selected to join him in the culinary experience.
  4. Spiegel Online reported on Söder's announcement of the doner eating event, which was organized through his Instagram channel.
  5. Markus Söder's popularity on Instagram has outshone many other state and federal politicians, thanks to the use of the hashtag #soederisst for his posts showing his love for greasy and meat-laden food.
  6. The CSU has recently announced their intention to increase engagement on social networks, as Söder's account boasts around 69,000 followers, significantly less than the politician himself.

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