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Söder demands "instant detention" now.

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Söder wants to bring his list of demands to the MPK.
Söder wants to bring his list of demands to the MPK.

Söder demands "instant detention" now.

The Union fraction will accept individuals with forced removal orders, who can't be sent back to their homeland, into custody immediately. These individuals will stay there until they choose to return voluntarily to their home country. Bavaria's Leader Markus Söder endorses this request and aims to discuss it with his peers during Chancellor Scholz's upcoming ministers' meeting.

Following the tragic knife assault in Mannheim, Bavaria's leader Markus Söder advocates for the "immediate detention" of criminal and dangerous individuals. Speaking to Bayerischer Rundfunk, Söder stated, "We need immediate action now." The "immediate detention" is among the primary demands Söder plans to present during the forthcoming ministers' meeting. The Union faction's similar proposal had previously been made public.

The recently released statement from Bavaria shows, "Individuals with forced removal orders who can't be deported will be placed into immediate detention until they willingly return to their home country." Bavaria openly backs the Union faction's corresponding demand: "Frequently, criminals and dangerous individuals carrying forced removal orders cannot be returned because their countries of origin refuse cooperation. In such situations, urgent new conditions are required: criminals and dangerous individuals will be brought straight from prison into immediate detention. For criminals and dangerous individuals, it must be clear: there is only one way back to their home country."

In the paper, well-known requests from Bavaria or the CSU are also reaffirmed: for immediate cost reductions for criminals and asylum seekers, for federal deportation facilities, for the "pushback" of unauthorized asylum seekers at internal borders, and for deportations to Afghanistan and Syria. Söder also plans to converse with the Taliban about this. "An ideological objection amounts to nothing," he said to BR. One can debate whether it was right to hand over Afghanistan to the Taliban practically. "But the fact is that the Taliban are in power there. Therefore, it is absolutely essential to talk to those who govern," he reasoned.

A recent Afghan individual injured five demonstrators from the Islam-critical movement Pax Europa, a policeman with a knife, in Mannheim. The officer later succumbed to his injuries.

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