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So far, few applications for Cannabis growing associations

Months after the release of cannabis for adults, asecond stage of cannabis de-criminalization came into effect in Germany. In MV, the interest is still low.

The interest in Cannabis growing cooperatives has remained within limits in the Northeast (map...
The interest in Cannabis growing cooperatives has remained within limits in the Northeast (map image)

Drugs - So far, few applications for Cannabis growing associations

Interest in an application for a Cannabis growing association remains limited in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern so far. A formless application of a growing association was before the Landwirtschaftsministerium in Schwerin as of Friday, according to a spokesperson of the ministry, as reported by the German Press Agency. The processing of applications is the responsibility of the Landesamt für Landwirtschaft, Lebensmittelsicherheit und Fischerei (Lallf) in the northeast, according to the ministry.

Three months after the release of Cannabis for adults and private cultivation with numerous provisions, a second stage of Cannabis-decriminalization came into effect in Germany on July 1. Non-commercial growing cooperatives with up to 500 members are now able to start.

Adults can then cultivate Cannabis together and exchange it among themselves for personal consumption. The clubs must apply for a permit, and regular controls are also legally stipulated. Since April 1, adults have been allowed to carry up to 25 grams of Cannabis in public within the framework of Cannabis-decriminalization, and they can store up to 50 grams at home.

Despite the new regulations allowing for non-commercial growing cooperatives in Germany, interest in such associations has been relatively low in the region of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, specifically in Schwerin. As reported by the German Press Agency, a formless application for a growing association was recently submitted to the Landwirtschaftsministerium in Schwerin. The responsible authority for processing these applications is the Landesamt für Landwirtschaft, Lebensmittelsicherheit und Fischerei (Lallf) in the northeast. Despite the legalization of adult use and private cultivation of Cannabis in Germany, concerns about the potential health implications of Drugs continue to be a topic of discussion in society.

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