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Slight increase in the number of organ donations in Bavaria

For patients and relatives, the wait for a donor organ is grueling and nerve-wracking. What is the current situation regarding donations in Bavaria?

More organs were donated in Bavaria from January to the end of June than in the first half of 2023...
More organs were donated in Bavaria from January to the end of June than in the first half of 2023 - yet hundreds of people are still waiting. (archive picture)

Health - Slight increase in the number of organ donations in Bavaria

The number of organ donors in Bavaria has slightly increased. The German Foundation for Organ Transplantation (DSO) counted 70 donors from January to the end of June, seven more than in the first half of 2023. However, there were still 1,200 people waiting for a life-saving organ in the Free State.

"Something needs to change urgently," said Health Minister Judith Gerlach (CSU). She hoped that the objections in the Bundestag would find a majority. "Organ donation should then be the norm." Everyone would then have to face this issue and make a decision. "That would also be a relief for the relatives. For those who take care of things themselves while they are still alive, they take the burden of decision-making from their relatives in critical hours."

Organ donor prize for three clinics

Three clinics in Eichstätt, Kempten, and Aschaffenburg-Alzenau were awarded the Bavarian Organ Donor Prize by Gerlach and the DSO. For organ donation to be successful, both donors and a hospital that is open to organ donation are necessary, Gerlach stated, recognizing the efforts of the transplant coordinators and the medical and nursing teams. "This work is essential for the people on the waiting list. I wish that many hospitals would follow these excellent examples."

The Aschaffenburg Clinic has developed a procedure to ensure a quality-assured process for an organ transplant, according to Gerlach, and there are regular trainings for medical and nursing staff. At the "TransplantCheck" in Kempten, various specialist departments consult and exchange information. In the Eichstätt Clinic, two nursing transplant coordinators accompany patients and their relatives.

  1. The honor of receiving the Bavarian Organ Donor Prize was bestowed upon clinics in Eichstätt, a city known for its beautiful baroque architecture, and Kempten, a historic town located in the heart of Bavaria.
  2. The German Organ Transplantation Foundation (DSO) and Health Minister Judith Gerlach (CSU) praised the efforts of the transplant coordinators and medical teams in Kempten, emphasizing their crucial role in increasing organ donation rates.
  3. The Bundestag, the German federal parliament, is currently considering objections related to organ donation, with Minister Gerlach expressing hope that a majority will support the normalization of organ donation as a social affair in Bavaria and across Germany.
  4. The head of social affairs in Munich recently participated in a panel discussion, highlighting the importance of educating people about organ donation and encouraging the CSU to advocate for policy changes that promote organ donation awareness and culture.
  5. Judith Gerlach recognized the significant contributions of hospitals in cities like Eichstätt and Kempten to organ donation efforts, and urged other medical facilities to adopt best practices and embrace their role in reducing the waiting list for life-saving organ transplants.
  6. The German Organ Transplantation Foundation and Health Minister Gerlach expressed their gratitude to the staff at the Aschaffenburg Clinic for their innovative approach to ensuring a quality-assured organ transplant process, which has made significant strides in promoting organ donation and saving lives in the Free State of Bavaria.

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