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Sky-high rents, minimal tenants population

Initial findings from the 2022 population count

Some data, such as net cold rents, were collected for the first time.
Some data, such as net cold rents, were collected for the first time.

Sky-high rents, minimal tenants population

Title: The Lowdown on Germany: Population, Rents, and More, Courtesy of the 2022 Census

Here's the scoop on Germany's population and rental prices, straight from the 2022 Census. This statistical survey, originally known as the population census, is a massive undertaking, and the presentation of its first data demonstrated just that. Conducted every ten years, it gives us a glimpse into the number of people and their living conditions across Germany. Given the Coronavirus pandemic, the Census was pushed back from 2021 to 2022.

The Census took place on a specific reference date, May 15, 2022. The majority of the data was collected from administrative databases, such as residents' registration offices or land registries. However, 12% of the population was also interviewed about various topics, such as education, housing, and employment. A technical error in the data evaluation process delayed the results, a mistake that the Federal Statistical Office's head, Ruth Brand, openly admitted.

Precision is crucial for these stats, as they inform numerous political decisions. Brand referred to the data as "a comprehensive picture," not just of the population, but also of buildings, housing, rents, and heating methods. It's not surprising that the costs for this survey are estimated to be around 1.5 billion Euros.

Thomas Goessl, head of the Bavarian State Office for Statistics, sees this data as a tool to prevent costly misplanning. Otherwise, decision-makers would be working blind, and that's unacceptable in any modern state, according to him.

Fewer People in Germany

The initial analysis reveals that there were approximately 82.7 million people living in Germany on May 15, 2022. That's around 1.6% fewer inhabitants than previously estimated based on the 2011 Census.

Several states show significant differences in population size, with Berlin, Hamburg, and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern having a population that is 3.5% lower, while Bavaria has a 2.2% lower population. Conversely, Bremen and Saarland have more inhabitants than previously assumed, with an increase of 1.9% and 1.8%, respectively.

There were about 10.9 million foreigners living in Germany, which is nearly one million less than officially recorded before. Approximately 71% of this deviation can be attributed to the non-German population.

Compare the Rents in Munich and Chemnitz

The rental prices in Munich or Chemnitz? The Census 2022 delivers answers to this question. The preliminary figures show that the average rent for a dwelling in Germany is 9.39 Euros per square meter. The rent in Munich is 14.56 Euros, while in Chemnitz, it's 6.45 Euros. This means the rent in Munich is about 53% higher than the national average, while the rent in Chemnitz is about 68% lower. This underscores the significant differences in living conditions across Germany.

Bidding Farewell to Oil Heating

Based on the latest census results, three quarters (75%) of all housing units in Germany are heated with gas (56%) or oil (19%), and an additional 15% are heated with district heating. Renewable energy sources for heating residential buildings play a minor role, accounting for a small percentage of the overall inventory. Oliver Heidinger, President of the Landesbetrieb Information and Technology North Rhine-Westphalia, reveals that gas remains the main energy carrier in new constructions, although its share has been decreasing since 2010. Conversely, oil heating has almost no presence in new constructions. "Every fourth home built since 2016 is heated with heat pumps."

Destatis, the Federal Statistical Office, anticipates holding another census in 2031. According to their plans, the use of databases as a data source will increase, thereby minimizing the need for citizens' involvement. However, collections will still be necessary, as not all needed data can be obtained from the databases. In the coming months, data on demographics, housing sizes, household sizes, family structures, educational attainment, and employment status will be disclosed.

The head honcho at Destatis has spilled the beans about the upcoming population count, slated for 2031. The plan is to lean heavier on databases as data repositories than we did in the past, aiming to minimize the hassle for the common folk. Yet, collection of data will still be necessary since not all info we need can be snatched from databases. Over the coming months, we'll be unveiling data from the ongoing demographic survey, covering housing dimensions, family compositions, education levels, and job statuses.

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