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Situation of the conflict against Ukraine

Nightly Nightmares for Ukraine: What's the Extent of Russian Airstrikes, Are Air Defenses Sufficient? A quick overview of the current situation.

The new security agreement between Washington under US President Biden (r) and Kiev under Ukrainian...
The new security agreement between Washington under US President Biden (r) and Kiev under Ukrainian President Zelensky is set to run for ten years.

Russian intrusion - Situation of the conflict against Ukraine

President Joe Biden has expressed his hope to improve Ukraine's air defense with the help of more Patriot Systems from foreign sources. Five nations have promised Patriot batteries and other air defense systems, according to Biden at a conference in Fasano, Italy.

Biden met Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy during the G7 Summit, and the two countries signed a security agreement, solidifying their military cooperation for the long term. Discussions regarding security assistance for Ukraine are expected to be a major point at the current G7 meeting of prominent democratic industrial powers.

The Ukrainian military was preparing for another heavy Russian airstrike at night. Five long-range bombers, Tupolev Tu-95, left from the northern Russian region of Murmansk, as per the air force. These aircraft are utilized for missile launches. Additionally, there were reports of Tu-22 medium-range bombers in the air. Numerous waves of Russian combat drones infiltrated the Ukrainian airspace at night.

The Ukrainian General Staff reported 87 Russian attacks on the southern and eastern frontlines. More than 30 battles took place in the Pokrowsk region in the Donetsk area alone. Although the military numbers are not independently verifiable, they suggest the severity of the conflict. Ukraine has been fighting a massive Russian invasion for over 27 months.

The US Prioritizes Patriot Systems for Ukraine

To equip Ukraine with Patriot air defense systems, the US is putting other defense clients on hold, as mentioned by Biden in his press conference with Zelenskyy. "Everything we have will go to Ukraine until their needs are met," he stated. Orders will only be fulfilled after Ukraine's requirements are satisfied.

Zelenskyy stated that they needed at least seven of these systems. "We have considered the possibility of obtaining five of them, and our partners are working on it," he said. The systems are not expected to be delivered immediately but soon. Biden assured him, "You will get them relatively quickly."

The Patriot air defense missile system is one of the most advanced in the world, capable of countering enemy aircraft, ballistic missiles, and cruise missiles. Germany has provided two systems and promised an additional one. The US has so far given one system.

The US is anticipated to announce a second Patriot shortly. The US government has not confirmed these media reports yet. Ukraine's western allies are currently working to provide more Patriot systems to the distressed nation.

Zelenskyy Hopes for US-Made Fighter Jets

The new security agreement between Washington and Kiev aims to uphold Ukraine's defense and deterrence capabilities for the next ten years. Biden explained that their goal is to permanently alter Ukraine's protective capacities.

Similar deals have been signed with the UK, Germany, France, and other countries, with Ukraine also signing a security agreement with Japan at the G7 summit in Italy. The treaties have been designed to boost Ukraine's security, with the ultimate objective of integrating it into a security system like NATO.

According to Zelenskyy's declarations, he and Biden discussed not only a delivery of fighter jets but also other aircraft types. He didn't provide further details. It's expected that Ukraine will receive F-16s from the Netherlands and Denmark this summer with the US's approval.

Refugees from Ukraine Get Extended Stay in the EU

The European Union has decided to allow refugees from Ukraine to remain issue-free within the EU until March 2026. This decision extends the special rules for the temporary protection of Ukrainian females and males currently residing in the EU. "We will continue to save lives," asserted German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser.

More than a million people from Ukraine have found refuge in Germany. "Germany, along with Poland and the Czech Republic, has taken in more than half of the refugees from Ukraine," shared the SPD politician. A more balanced distribution of refugees within the EU is necessary.

Approximately 4.2 million registered refugees from Ukraine are in the 27 EU states according to Eurostat, the EU's statistical office. While Germany receives the majority of these refugees, the percentage of Ukrainian refugees in relation to the population is substantially higher in nations like the Czech Republic, Lithuania, and Poland.

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