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Significantly more take-offs and landings at Munich Airport

Flight operations in Munich continue to grow. Overall, there is still a long way to go to reach the pre-corona level - but one key figure has been surpassed.

Munich Airport: Things picked up in the first half of the year. (archive picture)
Munich Airport: Things picked up in the first half of the year. (archive picture)

First half year - Significantly more take-offs and landings at Munich Airport

At Munich Airport, there were significantly more passengers in the first half of the year. The number of commercial air traffic passengers reached 19.1 million, a nearly 15 percent increase, according to the company's announcement. The number of flights grew by about ten percent to 156,080, albeit more slowly.

With these figures, the airport is still significantly below the pre-Corona level. In terms of passengers, 85 percent of the value from 2019 has been reached, while for flights, it is 76 percent. The fact that the number of passengers grew faster than the number of flights did contribute to a record, however. With an occupancy rate of 80 percent for seats, the aircraft utilization rate was reportedly never as good as it was in the past six months by the airport.

The drivers of the upward trend included intercontinental traffic, which saw almost 19 percent more passengers. People are reportedly flying to destinations in the USA or the Far East in the same numbers as before Corona. The airport expects the upward trend to continue throughout the year.

Despite the increased number of passengers at Munich Airport, air traffic is Still not at pre-Coronavirus levels. The Coronavirus pandemic has yet to significantly impact intercontinental air traffic, with nearly 19% more passengers flying to destinations like the USA and Far East compared to the previous year. For those planning a journey, Munich Airport's air traffic is showing signs of recovery.

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