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Sick leave by telephone possible again - what you need to know

There are coughs and sniffles everywhere in GP waiting rooms at the moment. If you only have mild symptoms and are already known to the practice, you can now take sick leave by telephone. We explain exactly how this works.

From Thursday it will again be possible to take sick leave by phone if you have mild
From Thursday it will again be possible to take sick leave by phone if you have mild

Table of contents

  • Many doctors welcome telephone sick notes as a relief. But: How many people currently have a cold and go to the doctor about it?
  • Who can take sick leave by telephone?
  • Why is it no longer possible to take sick leave by telephone for seven days?
  • How often do Germans take sick leave at all?
  • What are the most common diagnoses?
  • How are telephone sick notes received by the population?

Infection wave - Sick leave by telephone possible again - what you need to know

Telephone sick notes are possible again - and can now be used permanently. The Federal Joint Committee (G-BA) for the healthcare system passed a corresponding regulation in Berlin on Thursday. However, unlike in the coronavirus era, telephone sick notes are only possible for up to five days - and not for up to seven days. What you should know about telephone sick notes - an overview:

Many doctors welcome telephone sick notes as a relief. But how many people currently have a cold and go to the doctor about it?

The Robert Koch Institute estimates that more than seven million people are currently suffering from a respiratory infection. The most important pathogens are rhinoviruses and SARS-CoV-2. However, the number of severe respiratory diseases caused by the RS virus is also increasing, especially in children under the age of four.

In contrast, around 2,000 out of every 100,000 people currently go to the doctor every week due to respiratory infections. This corresponds to a total number of around 1.7 million visits to the doctor.

Who can take sick leave by phone?

The regulation applies from Thursday, the Federal Committee announced. The prerequisites are that video consultations are not possible and that patients are already known to the respective GP practice. In addition, patients must not have any severe symptoms.

Why is it no longer possible to take sick leave by telephone for seven days?

At the committee meeting, the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Funds (GKV) spoke out against a seven-day sick note. Its representative argued that the possibilities for doctors to assess illness over the telephone were significantly reduced. After all, it is about issuing a document that must have reliable evidential value vis-à-vis the employer.

Doctors' representatives, on the other hand, pleaded for a uniform regulation for tele-sick notes. They pointed out that this was already possible for seven days with the existing video sick note.

How often do Germans actually take sick leave?

Current data is available from Techniker Krankenkasse, for example. Statistically speaking, every working person there was on sick leave for around 9.5 days in the first half of 2023 - a new record. In the first half of 2022, the average was 9.1 days. In previous years, the figures for the first half of the year were significantly lower (2021: 6.8 days off sick; 2020: 8.0; 2019: 7.8). Similar figures are also available from other health insurance companies. Experts believe that one of the reasons for the rise in absences is increased awareness among employees. They may be more likely to stay at home these days to avoid infecting colleagues.

What are the most common diagnoses?

The main reason for sick leave is flu and colds such as the common cold and bronchitis. They accounted for an average of 2.5 of the TK sick days. In second place in the first half of 2023 were sick notes due to psychological diagnoses - with an average of 1.74 sick days per person. Musculoskeletal disorders such as back pain accounted for 1.36 sick days.

How are telephone sick notes received by the population?

Not only doctors are positive about the option. The opinion research institute Yougov surveyed 3,755 people aged 18 and over on November 29. The result: around two thirds (67 percent) would tend to be in favor of telephone sick notes. A good 34% would be "completely" in favor of it, while a further 33% would be "somewhat" in favor. Only around 20 percent stated that they would rather or completely reject the option.

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