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Sibylle Berg chosen as a representative in the European Parliament for "The Party"

The absence of a five-percent threshold in European elections allows for smaller parties and those with renowned figures to gain representation within parliament.

Sibylle Berg during the "re:publica" digital conference in Berlin in 2019.
Sibylle Berg during the "re:publica" digital conference in Berlin in 2019.

Upcoming European votes - Sibylle Berg chosen as a representative in the European Parliament for "The Party"

Sibylle Berg, renowned for her literary works and columns, is now a member of the European Parliament as a representative for the satirical party "Die Partei." This party received 1.9% of the votes in Germany's elections on Sunday, making them the proud owners of two seats. Berg, who placed second behind Martin Sonneborn - the satirist and author who is also the party's chairman, has held this position since 2014.

Hailing from Weimar and currently residing in Zurich, Berg has penned 32 plays, 17 novels, and numerous columns. One of her most recent works that have been performed on stage is the Berliner Ensemble's production of two pieces that tackle social injustices and the impacts of digital technology. In 2020, she seethed on the internet about her struggles to find a suitable apartment in Zurich. The prices were exorbitant, and writers didn't seem to be welcome.

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