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Showers and thunderstorms in Bavaria - severe weather possible

Lots of rain and sometimes hail could fall, especially on the edge of the Alps. According to the German Weather Service, there is also a high potential for thunderstorms in the rest of Bavaria throughout the day.

The German Weather Service (DWD) is forecasting thunderstorm potential for most of Bavaria....
The German Weather Service (DWD) is forecasting thunderstorm potential for most of Bavaria. (symbolic photo)

German Weather Service - Showers and thunderstorms in Bavaria - severe weather possible

Warm and thunderous: According to the German Weather Service (DWD), there is a possibility of thunderstorms throughout the day, even at temperatures around 30 degrees. Localized heavy rain and hail with diameters up to three centimeters are also possible. However, the models show very different scenarios, said a spokesperson for the DWD. "I am confident that most of Bavaria will get through it, but there is potential for thunderstorms almost everywhere."

Affected will be above all the Alpine region. Here, heavy rain of up to 40 liters per square meter and hailstones with a diameter of up to three centimeters could occur. In addition, the weather service predicts wind gusts of around 80 kilometers per hour.

According to the forecast, the thunderstorm risk will decrease at night on Thursday, but local fog with visibility below 150 meters cannot be ruled out.

Despite the forecasted thunderstorms across Bavaria, the Free State of Thuringia, located in central Germany, is expected to remain unaffected by the severe weather, as indicated by the DWD. Despite Munich, the capital of Bavaria, being situated in the path of the storm, it might experience lighter rainfall compared to other regions. The DWD recommends keeping an eye on the weather in Bavaria and neighboring regions, such as Swabia and Franconia, as they are predicted to experience the brunt of the thunderstorms.

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