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Showdown before the elections: More and more demands for Biden withdrawal, but he refuses

Frequently, more Democrats are daring to make withdrawal demands against Joe Biden in public. He continues to resist the rebellion. For how long?

The pressure on President Joe Biden from US Democrats is becoming stronger.
The pressure on President Joe Biden from US Democrats is becoming stronger.

Democrats - Showdown before the elections: More and more demands for Biden withdrawal, but he refuses

Collective pressure on President Joe Biden from US Democrats is growing stronger. On Friday, approximately a dozen more Democrats from the US Congress publicly urged their party colleague to withdraw from the Presidential race. The tone is becoming rougher. A congressman openly admitted that Biden did not recognize him during their recent encounter.

The incumbent, who is currently isolating himself due to a Corona infection and not making public appearances, has given no outward signs of being affected by the internal rebellion and announced his return to the campaign trail for the coming week. According to US media, the 81-year-old is privately considering withdrawing but has not ruled it out categorically.

The Number of Critics of Joe Biden Continues to Grow

The background of the rebellion is doubts about Biden's mental fitness – and his ability to serve another four years. A new wave of democratic congressional representatives expressed concern on Friday that Biden could lose the Presidential election against his Republican opponent Donald Trump and that the party might not be able to speak in either of the two parliamentary chambers in the future. Approximately three dozen parliamentarians from both chambers have publicly called on Biden to step down from the race for a second term.

Behind the scenes, the party leadership is reportedly trying to persuade Biden to withdraw, including the two top Democrats in Congress, Chuck Schumer and Hakeem Jeffries, as well as the former Speaker of the House of Representatives and still influential Democrat, Nancy Pelosi. Biden's former chief, former President Barack Obama, is also said to have expressed concerns. Among those Democrats who have made public withdrawal demands are several close allies of Pelosi.

The coordinated action from within the party is noteworthy. The fact that the statements of the most influential Democrats in the country emerged in parallel in recent days should not be a coincidence.

"He Didn't Recognize Me for the First Time"

Democratic Congressman Seth Moulton from the state of Massachusetts described his withdrawal demand as an encounter with Biden on the sidelines of the D-Day anniversary celebrations. "He didn't recognize me for the first time," Moulton wrote. This could be due to increasing age, but he believed it was part of a deeper problem.

Biden has withdrawn to his private residence in Rehoboth, Delaware, due to a Coronavirus infection. He is currently not taking appointments. Publicly, he has rejected all withdrawal demands so far. His campaign team is adamant that he has no intention of dropping out.

Return to the Campaign Trail?

The President's doctor reported that Biden's Covid symptoms had significantly improved. Biden announced that he would resume campaigning in the coming days. "I'm looking forward to going back on the campaign trail next week," Biden said in a written statement. He wanted to continue warning the people of the country about the danger through politics from Trump and at the same time campaign for his vision for the country. "A lot is at stake," he urged and called on his party once again to unity: "Together, we will win."

For the unity among Democrats is not particularly good at the moment. In the past few weeks, Biden's deputy Kamala Harris has been drawing more and more attention as a potential replacement for him. She has been on the campaign trail while Biden is absent and made a publicity-effective stop at an ice cream parlor in the capital Washington on Friday. These are usually reserved for Biden, the avowed ice cream lover.

  1. With the growing pressure, US Congress members, including Nancy Pelosi and Hakeem Jeffries, are privately urging President Joe Biden to consider a withdrawal request.
  2. The internal rebellion against Biden stems from concerns about his mental fitness and ability to serve another term, potentially leading to party losses in the US Elections 2024.
  3. The Coronavirus has caused Biden to isolate and halt public appearances, but he has shown no outward signs of being affected by the criticism and plans to return to the US campaign trail.
  4. Donald Trump, Biden's Republican opponent, is now more than just a figure in the US media's coverage; he's a constant theme in the conversations around the upcoming Presidential election.
  5. The Democratic Party is divided, with some members openly advocating for Joe Biden's withdrawal and others, like Kamala Harris, gaining attention as potential replacements.
  6. Nancy Pelosi's allies have joined the chorus of Democrats calling for Biden to step down, contributing to the showdown between the party leadership and the President.
  7. The US-Media coverage of the situation remains a key source of information for the American public, contributing to the ongoing debate and speculation surrounding Biden's future in the 2024 Presidential race.

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