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Shots fired from a moving car: Suspected driver charged

It is another case in a long series of violent acts in the Stuttgart area. They are all alleged to have been committed by two groups fighting each other. A new trial is now pending.

It's another of many charges: this time, investigators want to see a suspected gang member in court...
It's another of many charges: this time, investigators want to see a suspected gang member in court after shots were fired from a moving car. (archive photo)

Violent series - Shots fired from a moving car: Suspected driver charged

Investigators are working to piece together numerous shootings, threats, and brawls surrounding a violent series in the Stuttgart area. An indictment has been filed in connection to a "Drive-by-Shooting" (German: Schüsse im Vorbeifahren) incident in Eislingen/Fils (District of Göppingen). Over about a year and a half ago, a 21-year-old woman was injured by gunshots from a moving car. The suspected driver is reportedly set to appear in court in Stuttgart, according to the prosecutor's office, due to suspected attempted murder charges. The two passengers of the 24-year-old Turkish man are currently unknown to investigators, according to today's reports.

On February 24, 2023, the shootings targeted an eight-person group in front of a Shisha Bar. The prosecutor's office stated today, "The accused is believed to have been driving the car." They added, "The shooter and another, also unknown person in the car, are suspected of recklessly accepting the death of a person." The woman was severely injured by a gunshot to the leg.

The investigators believe that the crime is connected to a two-year-long feud between two groups in the Stuttgart region. The court must now decide whether to hear the case. This is common after indictments, however.

In a related case, two suspected members of one of the groups were sentenced to prison terms of eight and 5.5 years in March for shooting at a Shisha Bar in Plochingen (District of Esslingen). One is believed to have fired the shots, and the other drove the getaway car. The bar owner suffered minor injuries from a ricochet bullet. The two men - a Greek and a Turkish national - were charged with attempted murder in three cases and grievous bodily harm. They confessed to the crime.

The violent series involved several incidents in the Stuttgart area, including a drive-by shooting in Eislingen/Fils, which falls under the District of Göppingen in Baden-Württemberg. The car involved in this crime is central to the ongoing process at the public prosecutor's office in Stuttgart, where the suspected driver faces attempted murder charges. The two passengers in the car, a 24-year-old Turkish man's companions, are still unknown to investigators.

The court is now charged with deciding whether to hear the case following an indictment linked to a shootout in front of a Shisha Bar in Stuttgart. This incident, that took place on February 24, 2023, left an eight-person group in shock and a 21-year-old woman severely injured by a gunshot to the leg.

In a related case, two individuals associated with one of the groups involved in the feud were sentenced to prison terms for their involvement in another shooting incident in Plochingen, Esslingen's district. The Turkish and Greek nationals confessed to firing at a Shisha Bar, injuring the bar owner with a ricochet bullet from their getaway car.

The ongoing investigation into the series of violent incidents indicates a two-year-long feud between two groups within the Stuttgart region, suggesting this may not be an isolated case. This suggests a car as a potential weapon in these cases and the involvement of individuals from various nationalities in the Stuttgart area.

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