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Shots at Greek-Turkish border - Police officer injured

Smugglers attempt to bring migrants from Turkey to Greece. Border police prevent this. Shots are fired. A Greek policeman is injured.

Border guards patrol near the Greek city of Feres on Evros (Archival image)
Border guards patrol near the Greek city of Feres on Evros (Archival image)

Criminality - Shots at Greek-Turkish border - Police officer injured

A Greek border police officer was injured by gunshots at the Greek-Turkish border river Evros. According to the Greek police, the shots were fired from the Turkish side of the river. At the time, Greek border guards were reportedly preventing an illegal border crossing of migrants from Turkey to Greece. It was unclear who fired the shots. Investigations have been launched, the police added. The incident occurred on a Saturday evening.

The 57-year-old border policeman, who was shot in the abdomen, was taken to a hospital in the Evros region, reported Greek radio, citing the emergency services. Greek security forces suspect smugglers fired the shots, according to reports by Greek media on Sunday, quoting police sources.

Smugglers attempt to bring migrants across the shallow waters of the Evros River from Turkey to Greece and into the EU. Greece is currently building a fence along this border to prevent illegal border crossings. According to UNHCR data, since the beginning of the year until July 14, 3168 people have come from Turkey to Greece via this route.

  1. The incident of gunshots at the Greek-Turkish border river Evros, where a Greek border police officer was injured, has sparked concerns about escalating criminality related to migration.
  2. Despite the tensions, Athens continues to emphasize its commitment to supporting refugees and providing humane treatment, as per international migration laws.
  3. In response to the incident, the Greek government has declared a state of emergency along the border with Turkey, deploying additional police forces to maintain security and control the border river.
  4. The incidence of gunshots at the border river Evros highlights the complexity and dangerous nature of migration, with criminal organizations capitalizing on the vulnerability of refugees, adding a layer of risk to an already precarious journey.

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